Friday, May 7, 2010

Caution: Shrill woman...

Situation: No free time for Something ALWAYS has to get done and get done now. Or get washed, or cleaned, or frowned on, or found, or fed, or put away, or whatever.

You are stressed and the final straw has happened. You finally snap and then snap at the ones you love. And you're finding it difficult to stop. You start venting and slamming doors.

Question: How does your spouse calm you down?

Oh... This has nothing to do with me.

I'm just curious...


Pam said...

Tell your "friend" her husband should let her go out for a nice relaxing after noon by herself.

Together We Save said...

I am a yeller!!

Frances said...

Hmmm...your "friend" really needs a break.

This hasn't happened to me, as I am one of those women that refuses to even start doing everything for everyone.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

If my spouse knows what's good for him, he'll bring home a bottle of bubbly tonight!

slugmama said...

Can you say SPA DAY ALONE??!! ;-)
Egads....been there, done that.

I just go on strike....I tell them they can do everything for themselves.
Then I go in my room and hide under the covers and hope they go

mamahasspoken said...

Spouse help calm you down/ You've got to be kidding me! I guess how mine does this is by stay away from me, far, FAR, FAR away.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Nice bloom of flowers or new great textile fabric?!
Wishing the best mother's day dear!

liz said...

Hey - I'm not sure how you follow, but my Target Giftcard Giveaway is ending soon! I'm trying to get my Blogger girls following me again on WP. Thanks! Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

KK said...

Well, I just have a dog, but she licks my face and lays on my feet :)

slugmama said...

I hope your 'friend' is feeling a little more sane today.....
It's windy as all get out here...I think you need to come over and we can go fly kites! ;-)

Urban Earthworm said...

HA! I know exactly what you mean. It has, uh, happened to friends of mine, too. But if it happened to me, I'm pretty sure MacGyver would sneak a note onto my car while I was at work or surprise me with something silly or wonderful, or even a candybar or just time to nap.

Here's hoping your friend feels better soon!

SJT said...

I think that same "friend" visited me recently. My husband just ignored her until she went away. Which pretty much pissed her off more and now we need a new bathroom door hinge.

Macey said...

Your "friend" has been making the rounds. Bitchy woman.

KLZ said...

Well if he doesn't take the time to tell me how cranky I am, he normally feeds me something I like. Food is a good cure for me.


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