Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Rolling Tides of Birthdays

Robb, Leon and I got back from a Wisconsin trip to see Maddy and Matthew yesterday.  More about our actual time spent there later this week.

We had a leisurely breakfast with them in the morning and Leon was determined to play Minecraft with them and did get to briefly until Matthew had to leave for work.  Then he was content to play it whilst sitting on Maddy's lap.  Then we figured we better head out so we could get home in time for my birthday party that night with the rest of the family.

Oh yeah, it was my birthday yesterday!

Once on the road, Leon sat in the way back of the minivan and concentrated on watching videos on Robb's phone.  We had misplaced or lost his tablet somewhere in the car...  or it had fallen out.  We found it about 2 hours into the trip tucked into a bag that contained plastic silverware.  But by that time, Leon had already vomited from the way back and the heat.  We were loath to start that up again!

We weren't even out of town before we realized that our air conditioner had bit the dust.  So the windows were either down and the fan was on, but not doing much.  It. was mostly circulating sweat...  

A couple shakes and slurpies helped us tolerate the heat, but the best help was a large cup of ice from Wendys.  We either sucked on them, or in Leon's case, dropped them down his OWN shirt for once.  Squeals of cold horror was annoying, but better than vomit sounds.  Most things are.

Leon asked questions like...
"How many hours until we're home?"  "a little more than two"
"Does that mean 3 or 4 hours?" "no, two hours and then just a little longer"
"But 3 is more than 2, so it is still 3 hours?"  "no, we'll just round it to two. Two hours left!"
"So how many minutes is that?"  "sigh...  120 minutes"
"How many hours before we're home?" "take a nap!"

He settled down and promised he wouldn't ask any more questions about when.  That lasted at least ten minutes.

We moved him to a middle seat so we could reach him in case of vomit, etc.  AND that seat reclined.  GREAT!

We got home finally around 3pm.  Leon could see the water tower from the interstate because of his super powers so the last 3 miles was excruciating.  

Robb took off immediately in another car with working air to go pick up his mom and Leon attacked the computer as if he hadn't seen one all day.  Youtube videos of other kids playing Minecraft is almost as good as playing them yourself.  I took a shower.

Then made a birthday cake for myself and set the table with china.  Ryan, Jen, Meri and my mother-in-law were going to join us for a pizza dinner.  Yay for Caseys!!

I found a tub of pop in the kitchen.  Meri must have had a party while we were gone... So I set it next to the table for our drinks for the evening.  

Then lounged until everyone arrived.  Whew!  That felt good!

After dinner, cake and gifts, we enjoyed a game of Bears vs Babies and I won for once!!
Not sure if they let me win...  But it's kind of hard to rig it that way when there are rogue babies on the loose.

All in all, it was a good birthday except for all the sweaty stuff.  I'm hoping that translates into pounds lost.


Anne in the kitchen said...

Hoping the worst thing of your upcoming year is over (barf in a car is never fun) and nothing but good and happy times are in your future!

Miriam in KS said...

I had a new grand niece born on your birthday! So happy birth(day) to you and to Rosalie!

Southern Gal said...

Happy birthday, very late, but happy wishes nonetheless!


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