Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Random Bits and Bobs

 I removed the last 3 posts...  because... if you know, you know.

Looks like a light at the end of that tunnel!  I may get to put my sewing room back together in April.

In the meanwhile, I worked out in my garage office where all my sewing stuff is, for all of 5 minutes the other day.  I was able to clear a small bit off my sewing table and hope to get a couple patterns traced out so I can get a fleece shirt back to Maddy and a pair of comfy pants back to Jen.

We celebrated Leon's birthday this weekend!!  I can't believe he's 13 already!  And he hates having his picture taken, so oh well.  He's a teenager!!

I'm double booked for activities on Saturday, a Sunday school teacher meeting and an ASG meeting.  I'll be late to the ASG thing but still plan to go.

Jen had some blueberries that needed something done to them and she discovered that pancakes with fresh blueberries are not well received, so I dehydrated them on Sunday.  She'll try pancakes with the dehydrated ones this week and see how they are.  I kind of like them for a snack!  

I also cut up 3 green peppers and dehydrated them also.  Impressive, no?

Actually, NO...  

I can't believe they shrunk so much!  I'll put half a teaspoon in each pint I can soup in.

And while I'm thinking of it, I may run a batch of broth in the IP today. Some chicken bones are burning a hole in the side of my deep freeze.

I can't wait until the weekend!

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