Friday, March 14, 2025

Beauty & the Barbie

Because of the additional kids in February, I brought in my girls old Barbie house from the garage.  While they DID play Barbies with it, Aggie liked to "pretend" nap in it mostly.  Check out her little green book pillow that I made her for Christmas! :)  According to her mom, she knows that it's hers.

Here is the house sans kids.  My kids told me that they'd had an obstacle course where you had to shimmy through the Barbie door.  Wow, they must have been little things!

I have a huge box or three of Barbie and her entourage & paraphernalia.  For Maddy's 6th birthday, she'd invited all the girls in her class and had a Barbie, Makeup, Sleepover party.  Every single girl brought a Barbie for her.  She had a stash of them!

 So after we got back to just the two grandkids in March, Jen sorted them out and pulled out just a few Barbies and some furniture for Aggie to play with.  The house is now a permanent (for now) fixture of the livingroom.  She also combed out all their hair but it was still really frizzy on 99.9% of them.

I had read once that you can boil water and fix them so I looked it up and found how.
Easy peasy!
Comb first, check.  Pour boiling water into a shallow bowl and dip their hair in!
Then comb out again.

Now all she needs is a quick trim and she's golden!!
This particular one may have had a pony tail when we got her. oh well. HAIR CUT TIME!

We might have to do this for a few more Barbies.

AND now Aggie loves her dad's old Belle toy more than Barbie anyway.
Silly kids...


SAM said...

The classic versions of toys have much more play appeal. Good truck on the Barbie hair. I'll tuck it away for future potential need.

Linda said...

I am glad to know about the boiling water. When I was little, we used sugar water to give dolls pe


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