Monday, March 3, 2025

Making plans

 Work was weird today.   I got a lot done and the one programming project that I thought I was going to sweat over today, turned out to be nothing I needed to deal with!  At least not yet.  I've put it on my "3 months down the road" todo list now.  *Thanks God!  You love to answer prayers!!*

I worked from my old office quite a bit today.  Ooops  - just realized I left the light on out there.  Eh - I'll turn it off in a bit.

My office still smells like cat.  It's more faint than it used to so there's that.  I've got little odor eater thingies set here and there.  It'll be a work in process.  And I probably won't work out there again for a few months.  You never know.

Since Leon and I missed our Kwik Star slushy lemonades last week on the cheap day, I took him today after I picked him up from school.  It was nice hearing about his latest expensive obsession.  He wants a 75 gallon tank in his bedroom that has a complete eco system with axolotls, crabs and a few other creatures that you pretty much put a lid on and it takes care of itself.  REALLY?!  I'm guessing there could be stagnant water in his room. again.  He's checking into the need for a bubbler.

But since it's still in the investigative stages, no one's forking over money yet.  He's starting baseball soon, so we need to invest in sporting gear this week.

There were children in the house today with Jen.  Some coughing, some rashes, fevers, etc.  I hope things calm down and the house is empty tomorrow.  Wouldn't THAT be nice!

The next quiet day, I'm going to dance around the house and sing.

I'll turn off the security cameras briefly. :)

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