Thursday, September 27, 2018

Feeling Artzy

My niece Brooke found these old sketches of mine SOMEWHERE in their house...  Don't know where.  My sister and her family live in my old family acreage and she just came upon these.  They probably got shoved in a file or something from my mom's stuff.

These are from when I was a junior in high school.  1983.  So they're vintage!
I guess I am too...
SOMEDAY they'll be worth a TON of money!!!
Like those Beanie Babies we all have at least 40 of...

I loved to draw then.  I still do I guess, but my creativity comes out sporadically in other ways now.
and only as needed.

So my sister IMed these to me yesterday.  Wow, does this bring back memories!  I don't know why I drew a paper sack...  But I guess I was practicing shading.

This reminds me of why I was an art minor in college for a whole semester...
My plans changed along with my dreams.
That happens.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Those sketches are pretty good. Now, I have to know what you said. Just never tell Leon anything you do not want the world to know.


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