Friday, July 17, 2020


So my potatoes were looking bunky.
I wondered if maybe they were done as it had been almost 10 weeks and then I saw a post on some FB group I belong to where someone was showing off all the produce from their garden.  
"HEY!..." I asked them. "When did you plant those potatoes and did they look like below when you harvested them?"
They confirmed that yes indeedy, their plants looked like mine before they harvested.  So chances were high that I had some potatoes in them there bags!

I was excited.

So I dumped them out.

I got 5 potatoes... for ten weeks of care...

 sigh...  I've discovered where I made my mistake.
I used grass clippings as the stuffing around the plants as they grew. 
APPARENTLY  too many grass clippings can create a gas that is toxic to the plants and could kill them, so be careful using too much in your gardens...
It's probably too late to plant anymore.  
Well... MAYBE not!  Ten weeks will take us to the end of September.
THAT could work!

I'll replant them and buy a bale of straw instead of grass clippings...
OH!  And I bought a new to me mower!!!  The other is still getting fixed, but the guy who's fixing it sold me his old one.  Yay!  Once my old one is fixed, Meri can have one all the time at her house and mow her yard whenever she wants and not depend on my mowing schedule!

The new to me one mows so smoothly...  And the grass doesn't have an odd plaid pattern...
It's almost like someone else's yard!


Practical Parsimony said...

Can you get pine straw from under a pine tree? Those work for potatoes.

Samandcoffee said...

Ilet my seedlings roots dry out-they were uspposed to "harden" though I guess I didn't now what that meant. then the squirells dug them out of te pots. No win with gardens this year.


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