Monday, July 20, 2020

SEW white and rosey

I'm modifying a wedding dress to fit a friend's daughter.  Due to get married the end of August.  They came for a quick fitting ten days ago and I told them I'd have it ready for trying on Thursday night, a week later.  Ummm  That afternoon, I hadn't gotten enough done on it to warrant a fitting, so I cancelled it.

Since then, I've done tons to it.  And more needs to be done before our "refitting" tomorrow night.  
The sleeveless straps went from this.

to this.

I also took in almost two inches from the bust and definitely two inches from the satin hem.  I still need to iron everything, cut the tulle two inches and see about an option for the extra lace around the neckline.  I'll have more answers on that tomorrow night from their feedback.

The lace on the bodice will have to be stitched on with invisible thread.  It's CRAZY how this dress was put together!  

Anyway...  there it is.  Hopefully I'll be done with that soon.  I've got SO much other stuff for myself that I want to make!

For my birthday, one of my girls gave me roses!  Aren't they pretty?!  and they smell great too!
They started to wilt a bunch, so they're hung upside down on my dead roses wall now.

AND from my other daughter, I got this solar fountain!  

I put it out in the sun and it makes a pumping noise if it's in the sun.  So we put it in a bowl of water and the fountain is so pretty!

When my hillside is redone, I want to put it in a birdbath back there.

So on Saturday, Leon went in search of a weird noise.  If you look closely in the video, well not TOO closely at the weeds, you'll see my new fountain under the back end of my minivan.

Robb found it still there when he got home an hour later.
Ummmm what was this doing under Grandma's car?
sigh... ;)

1 comment:

SAM said...

The fountain sounds like it could a relaxing evening addition to you yard. The dress will be quite beautiful.


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