Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Porch Goose - Baby Aggie

So the Porch Goose Corn Tuxedo is at the fair now, being judged.  I'm confident it will come home with no ribbons, but that's ok!  It was fun sewing it!  The same with the little girl dress I made for a potential little girl.

I'm just getting my feet wet in my sewing again.  My sewing mojo is finally coming back a little!
I hope it comes back a lot more soon.

But I don't have a picture of the little girl dress yet.  I just figured that if Ryan and Jen's baby wasn't a girl, I'll hang onto the dress until there is a girl somewhere that will fit it.

Well guess what?!

While Maddy, Matthew, Meri, Ryan (bf) and I were in the Barbie movie, Ryan and Jen had the baby!! 

 She'd been in labor the whole day, but the actual event didn't happen until roughly half way through the movie!  They had a girl!!

Ryan invited us to the hospital after the movie, so I'm still in my Barbie pants.

Robb would have loved her!  I wondered how I would feel holding our first granddaughter without him and actually I felt good and was in awe of this little miracle.  It hadn't sunk in yet.  But we'll keep his memory alive for her too.

Maddy and Matthew trying out the niece! She's a keeper!

Leon couldn't see her until a couple days later, but he did get to see her at the hospital before they came home.  He's in love too.

Her name is Agnes!  And she could NOT have been any prettier!

Guess who's wearing the dress next summer!!


Kathy said...

Awww what a sweetie! Welcome little Agnes!
I like your goose outfit, and I'm glad you are enjoying sewing again. I see lots of cute little girly outfits in your future.
How did you all like the Barbie movie? I am looking forward to seeing it too.

Practical Parsimony said...

Having a girl to sew for should get your mojo moving fast. She is precious.


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