Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Tuxedos and Other Things To Do With Corn

 My brother is on the RAGBRAI ride again this year and some of the kids and myself will meet up with him and his crew this evening for dinner at their trailer.  Should be fun!

I saw this goose costume for sale and was inspired to do something in that vein for the State fair.  

It's IOWA!  Who hates a CORN costume?  Mine will be a "Corn Tuxedo."  The deadline is Saturday...  Can I get it done?  I hope so.  it might not be fair quality but we'll see if I can get it in.  I'd like to make a few other things too, but my sewing mojo isn't all the way back yet after the fiasco just over a year ago.  It'll happen.  Each day is a little better.

A friend from my sewing group brought over her projects for the fair, as I'll be taking them with me on Saturday.  She also brought me some banana nut bread as a thank you!  It's delicious and my diet has gone backwards a bit.  sigh.  But it's really good, so I'll diet longer I guess.  One of these days, I'll stick to my healthy eating plan.  It won't be today. or this week.

I found two turkeys in my deep freezer and need the space, so I made a turkey for lunch on Sunday, along with sweet corn niblets (also from deep freezer) and mashed potatoes.  Meri brought a salad.  It was all so good.  I ended up with 4 quarts of broth canned, from the turkey carcass, 5 pints of leftover turkey canned and then a pint of gravy and quart of mashed potatoes that we've been working on the last couple days.  As well as some corn niblets that should be eaten up soon. 

whew!  So much food.

And THEN!  I came downstairs yesterday morning and found the refrigerator freezer door hanging WIDE open...  REALLY?!  Most of the ice was melted, some of the packets of food squishable. I had to throw away some chicken taquitos that were in the door...  What a waste!  So we've been eating as much as we can and pitched what we figured was sketchy.  I ate a whole bag of brussel sprouts for breakfast yesterday.  I'm up a couple pounds since Sunday.  sigh. Not because of the brussel sprouts. No one is fessing up, but if that's the only way to clean up our freezer, so be it.

The grandbaby was due on Sunday.  STILL no baby.  Jen's been on maternity leave since a week ago due to her hurting her knee that weekend.  She's ready to have this baby!  Will hopefully be able to post a baby pic soon.

I need a vacation.


Practical Parsimony said...

I have two turkeys, maybe just one, that I cannot unearth or pick up from the bottom of the freezer. I will give it to anyone who will get it out! I would cook it, but it is too heavy for both of us. Besides, Tommy said he did not want to get the meat off. I hate that part, so away it goes. That is a shame about the door being open. Mine had something slide and push the door open a bit. So, I used packing tape to close it until it was less like an avalanche in there.
Who will wear the corn tuxedo?

McVal said...

Hi Practical!!! My porch goose will wear the corn tuxedo. With any luck, it will be ready for a photo shoot tonight.
I'm sorry for those turkeys in your freezer! If I lived close, I'd take it off your hands. Maybe offer it on a free,donation fb group? or freecycle?

Practical Parsimony said...

I would but do not want just anyone off the street coming inside the house.

Kathy said...

Shew it is a hot time for a ride; do hope that they will be ok!
Oh what a cute goose costume. Can't wait to see how you make a corn tuxedo. I haven't seen a porch goose dressed up here in Va, but I may have to join in the fun. Need to find a goose first though.
Hope your grandbaby arrives safely. So exciting!


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