Maddy... This is a story about when she was 5 and went to kindergarten roundup at the elementary school.
Parents had to wait in the library while their little treasures went off hand in hand with various teachers and helpers to be evaluated for kindergarten. Maddy went off with the librarian to a room just off the library. A little while later, the librarian came out with a peculiar look on her face and Maddy stayed in the room coloring.
Mrs. M came over to our table and told us about Maddy's drawing of a person. I guess this is one of the standard tests. Have the child draw a person and see if they put all 10 fingers, toes, proper number of arms, legs, etc. Maddy had drawn 5 fingers on one hand and only 4 on another. Mrs. M asked her why she had done that. Apparently Maddy wasn't going to make it to kindergarten and will go to Pre-K instead...
Maddy explained herself well tho. She said that this was a picture of her Grandpa Mel. He only had 4 fingers on one hand! So Maddy was showing a bit of intelligence by being a perfectionist at her young age... Mrs. M had to share that story with us.
Maddy is now 14, driving for us since last October and has been in TAG for several years at school. She'll start high school in the fall. I'm so glad they didn't hold her back a year due to a too detailed picture...
She wants to study architecture. There was a time when she just wanted to write books on a laptop at a coffee shop, but I guess she's outgrown that little dream. I think she can do whatever she puts her mind to.
BTW: My dad lost his ring finger when the tractor he was driving started tipping when going past a barn. It was sloped at that spot and his ring caught on a nail on the barn. Ewwwww!
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