I was in my Lapagayo phase and found as many Oilily and Lapagayo on Ebay as I could. Aren't the colors of those jackets awesome?!

Ryan was in football for a couple years and had to leave for school a lot earlier than the girls.

I know I've missed some for this post throughout the years, but they're in photo albums somewhere in the house...
Really great photos! I love first days of school if only for the anticipation I felt each year. But with my own kids, those first days of school are tough. After a summer of getting used to them always underfoot it can be hard to deal with the silence once they are gone.
just wanted to say what a wonderful blog you have. Your pictures are stunning and I've really enjoyed having a nose around. Thank you and best wishes !
Your girls look a lot alike! They are all gorgeous, of course! :)
stopping by from SITS.
great pictures!!!!!
we are both from iowa.....woooohoooo!!!!!
have a great weekend.....hope your dad is feeling better!!!!
What a great look back!!!
Wow, it's amazing to see how much they change from year to year.
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