I had an early lunch due to a meeting, so when I went inside. I wanted to get the stew meat that I'd left thawing on the back part of the counter into the crock pot along with some veggies.
It wasn't there... But I found the large bag that it was in on the kitchen floor. In my mind, I'm thinking some harsh words for the blinkety blank dog. No wonder she was so antsy to get out the door to the yard when I came in...
I was upset with her the rest of the day and had no pity on her.
This morning I heard the dogs rustling around at 5am. I thought it was the puppy, so I got dressed to take Ellie outside. When I came out into the hall, there was an odor that nearly knocked me off my feet. It wasn't Ellie. Sorsha was jumping around her kennel acting very anxious to get outside. And the laundryroom where her kennel is reeked!
She had gotten sick or something... Unsure at this point, but I had to bleach out her kennel which was wet and threw out her mat that was in it. She just may have had really bad gas. WHOA was it bad!
I still have no sympathy for that dog.
Yuck. That cannot be pleasant to find. (pics are cute though!)
Stopping by from SITS.
What a stinker!! My MIL has a bassett and that dog is the QUEEN of the house and she's a little booger. :) Those eyes though...
Awww...What a cute bad dog. Lol. Love that last pick.
That's why I've never had house pets. My stomach isn't strong enough...
Love the pictures of that guilty face. Priceless.
That last picture is great; but after your experience, it would be enough to consider not being a dog owner. I'm sure you'll forgive her in time.
NAUGHTY DOG!!!! One time our dog ate a bag of dirty diapers and strooned them about the backyard...I was NOT happy!
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