Ok... After banning my son from Facebook and MySpace about 2 years ago, we blocked it on all computers but my office computer, and passworded that! So we were virtually a non-social network family... Until I discovered blogging of course, but that's too much typing for my kids...
So... said son doesn't live here anymore. Saturday, Maddy comes to us to beg her dear dear parents to finally let her get a Facebook account. ALL her friends have one and one of them has a bunch of pictures from Homecoming that they want to show her but.can't.because.she.doesn't.have.facebook....
That's my baby in the picture, apparently right after she ate a bunch of Oreos... She's 14 now. But in that pic probably around 9.
It's funny... These kids all have cell phones, email addresses and internet access... yet they can only function thru Facebook???! Don't you need an email address to even GET Facebook?
We finally relented after a few ground rules...
1) She has to "friend" both of us. (Yes I have one, but only got it to see how often ds was getting on it during school.)
2) Which brings me to... She can't use it at school unless she's using a photo off of it for a school project. No social junk during school. She can use her mouth and talk to people there...
3) She has to block anyone we tell her to block. Trust me... this is a biggie...
After she promised with all of her heart that she would abide by all the rules, Robb unblocked Facebook on her labtop. This was Saturday. Since then she's gotten 75 friends accumulated. POOF!
I guess I'm not as popular as I thought... But I'm only on very rarely... I've been on for 2 years and I only have 32 friends...
Happy for your daughter. My husband's not crazy about social networking. The older two have facebooks now, but not me. My mom, dad, children, sister, nieces, nephews, cousins, (you get the picture) all have facebooks but not me. I have to fight for my blog!
I'm not even going to start about texting!
Scary. Just scary.
Awww, she's cute even with Oreo's stuck in her teeth!
We haven't crossed that bridge yet... my oldest is 9, but he does know how to text. He uses my cell phone to send Daddy texts at work. What's scary is that I never showed him how to do it!
I have an award for ya!
My daughter has a facebook account and she had to friend request me. Of course, I rarely get on facebook, but I know her friends irl. Plus, her former kindergarten teacher is one of her friends, so I know she won't post anything she doesn't want her to read!
Love that she begged you to get on FB and has 75 friends in the blink of an eye. Hahahahaha!
I keep saying that I'll never let our daughter have a cell phone, or myspace, or facebook, but I have a feeling I'm gonna have to at least give in to one of them when shes older, since kids live on the internet these days.
I'm one of the last facebook holdouts...my son is happy to be on Youtube and has no interest - fortunately- as of now :D
Oh dear. How will it be in 12 years when my daughter is 14??? Yours sure is a cutie.
I'd like to quote the great George Clooney...“I would rather have a prostate exam on live television by a guy with very cold hands than have a Facebook page.”
I just thought that was hilarious!!! maybe I just love blogging too much...it just seems to have more content!
...there is a reason some people from our past are not in our life today... ;)
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