This was the status of my daughter on Facebook for the whole day yesterday. She left at noon with a few lower classmen, tons of upper classmen and a few teachers. They spent the afternoon in Des Moines and saw the theatrical production of Wicked.
In case you've been living in, let's say, Equador, Wicked is the story of the poor little green skinned girl who later becomes the wicked witch of the West in Wizard of Oz.
I stopped by the high school to drop her off supper right after the bus brought them back. I asked one boy who got off the bus if this was the Wicked group. He agreed... Not sure what he thought I meant...
She only had 30 minutes between getting to the school and play practice starting, so her time was tight. Maddy met us at the car finally and just GUSHED about the play. "It was SO AWESOME!!!!"
At my American Sewers Guild meeting last weekend, some of the ladies had spent their summer vacations in New York and had seen the play on Broadway. Instead of paying attention to the play, which they'd already seen, they spent the time analyzing the costumes. A couple of them had backstage passes so they got to see the costumes up close. "Oh!!! They cut it on the bias!" and "Look at that edging detail!" The story line and acting didn't impress them, but how they cut the fabric did. They brought back a photo album of just the costumes.
Apparently the lead witch wore a costume with yards and yards of beautiful fabric that cost $500 per yard. All the costumes in the Broadway production together cost over $1 million! Wow... And to think our high school Gilbert & Sullivan productions were done with whatever you could bring for yourself from home...
Hey. Just caught up with your posts. I'm having a problem after commenting...70 of your home screens pop up on my computer one after the other in small screen. It's really weird and does it with a couple other sites, too.
Thanks for the Blog Love!
I would love to see Wicked. I wasn't very familiar with it until someone else posted about it. I love Broadway shows, but haven't been to any.
The recipes look delicious! Can't wait to try them.
No I didn't type anything bad in the above deleted message!!! Was just testing my comments to see if I got the same thing Southern Gal got. Nope. If anyone else does, please let me know!
I've heard it was really good. Probably won't come to our little podunk town, though.
I've had that problem before... I called my internet provider and they told me it was a problem with Internet Explorer. Don't know if they were just blowing smoke or not, but I switched to Firefox and haven't had the problem again.
Sounds like a blast. That's a great play!
Enjoy your weekend!
I'm glad that your daughter had a good time at the play. You are a great mom for having her food ready for her.
And I thought it was funny that your friends made over the costumes and didn't pay attention to the play. It would never have crossed my mind to even think about the costumes. Once again proving the point that I need to start paying attention.
Oh my goodness, the boy's comment when he got off the bus is hilarious! Wish I could have been there to witness it. hahahahaha
And I love that the ladies had a whole album of costume pictures. That is a riot all in itself.
What great writing material you got from one play!
Oh and I must have been living in Equador. I knew about the play, just didn't realize the plot line. Sounds interesting and now I know why it has been so popular!
Oh, yeah, the play I hear is good! Have you read it? WEIRD.
I have never seen Wicked... so glad your daughter liked it!! Sounds likes shes got the bug...
Many blessings-
Wicked is so amazing! And the costumes here in AZ were great, I can only IMAGINE how fabulous they were in New York!
I saw Wicked in NYC this summer. AMAZING!!!!
I haven't seen wicked, but I think I want too after hearing about the costumes.
My sister has raved over the book for years - I think I need to finally read it - then I can see the show! Loved your breakfast idea below too :) Anything you can add to keep the kids from scarfing it is a bonus in my world!
Wow, that's so amazing about the price of the costumes! $500 a yard???? That's insane! It must be fabulous! I read that book and loved it. I bet the play is out of this world.
How funny about them analyzing the costumes! I bet they were fabulous to see up close.
I haven't seen the play yet but would love to. When I do, I'll definitely remember your post and will look carefully at the creations!
You know, as often as I've had people tell me how much they love Wicked, I have yet to see it! I think I'm gonna have to check it out next time I hear it's near us. Glad your daughter enjoyed it!
$500 per yard for fabric?? Wow!!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...hope you'll be back again soon!
Egads! That expensive?! Insane! One of the girls I went to middle school with played the part of Glinda for a while, on Broadway. I still haven't seen the show - and I'm only an hour from NYC! Next year...when the little one isn't nursing. :-)
Thanks for stopping by LoLo Craft!! I love new friends. :-)
I found your blog via SonyaAnn. I'm a sewer too...in my previous life(before kids)I was a professional costumer. My last gig was working off-off Broadway for a designer based in Brooklyn. You would not believe the ungodly sums of money spent on professional theatrical productions, including the costuming. No wonder the big ones(the musicals)have to have reservations for YEARS before even opening to be profitable and not close after 4 nights.
It's crazy!!
And with all that money spent on the productions, quess how little is spent on employing the people who actually make the costumes?lolol
Enjoy the blog....
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