I just keep saying that to myself.. just for fun really... But Stefunkc's blog today made me realized how spoiled I truly have become.
A year and a half ago, we gave my husband a Tivo DVR for his birthday. It was the best gift we could have given him as he still uses it so much and after we got the kids to quit taping all the reruns of Hannah Montana, we enjoy it even more.
I love to pause it and run to the kitchen for popcorn or to the bathroom and I don't have to say the dreaded 4 words, "What did I miss?" Everyone either waits patiently (HA) or rewinds it to show me. Or if I was watching something all by myself, it will sit and wait...
Since I have a hearing problem, not really very bad but it annoys my family, I do ask, "What did he say?" pretty often when watching a program with my husband. He's a sweetie and rewinds it for me if he didn't remember or catch it himself.
Speaking of hearing problems, I was pulling something out of the microwave this morning and didn't hear what Robb said as he walked out the door. I stopped what I was doing and asked him to repeat it. He did... but mouthed the words... Ok... I'm not totally deaf yet and can't read lips... but do you have to patronize me? I only pick on him about his color blindness a couple times a week.. I mean.. COME ON!!!
But back to the Tivo... I love how I can record all the episodes of Project Runway, much to my husband's dismay... To watch it later on in the weekend with or without my 9 yo who is hooked too. Or set it to one of my Live365.com radio stations and work around the house and listen.
Right now, I've Tivo'ed the TV show V, both the old and the new. I've been watching the old one just a few minutes at a time and can get in 45 minutes worth over my lunch breaks. Yes, I know it was on the air over the weekend! I'll get there eventually...
I know that I've been spoiled when I'm in the kitchen with the old fashioned tv that has no Tivo on it, or in the car with the radio on, and have to ask, "What did they just say?"
One day last week, I found myself reaching for the car radio and hitting the <--- key out of habit to get them to repeat what they said. Hmm... Can't seem to get it to work here...
Do they have a RVR yet? I know what I want for Christmas!
I've almost done the same thing to the radio! Too funny. I think we are spoiled :) -Tammy
Oooh, oooh... I want to be spoiled!!! I've been wanting a DVR for a while. Unfortunately, I know we'd have to watch football games we've already seen over and over and over.
Spoiled is good! Everyone wants to be spoiled! Just over to say a MASSIVE thankyou for following my blog. I clicked on between serving and clearing up spaghetti and meatballs and it really cheered me up! Cheers x
I LOVE my DVR. I rarely watch anything on live TV. The commercials drive me nuts.
and a RVR - that is funny - but I would want and use one for sure!
I would LOVE a DVR! One day...one day it will be mine!
DVR's ROCK. You should be on Project Runway!!! I love that show.
I think we are all a bit spoiled that way.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my post this morning. It was nice to "see" you!
My dad has this same problem with his hearing, and so he puts the tv on so loud you can't have a conversation over the tv. So I decided to get him the tv ears I heard advertised. You can get them at tvears.com if you'd be interested. It allows you to have the volume as loud as you need. Just a thought if it might help. About the whole tivo thing....it sounds great. What a concept. I don't have that, but it sounds like something I should have. The older I get the more bathroom trips per movie. ((giggles))!
I LOVE my DVR!!!! V has an old show?
I don't have TiVo. I recently started turning on subtitles when I'm watching movies alone so I won't miss a single word. I did that with an old favorite movie recently and was amazed at all the words and meanings I had missed.
I've had my hearing tested and it's perfect. My family says not. Oh well I can sympathize with you.
we have a main DVR that records shows...and then there are DVRs in the other rooms that you can watch the recorded shows that are recorded on the main one...i ♥ it!
I'm really not sure how i existed with out the DRV! I know for sure it has improved my marriage!
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