Get ready for the easiest and tastiest sugar free cappuccino you've ever had...
Get the Vanilla Creme General Foods International hot beverage drink. Make sure it's the sugar free variety. Per serving is 35 calories, but the way I make it, it's more like 50-75. Carb count is 3 grams (4 or 5 for me) if you're counting carbs.
Each of the little tins of Vanilla creme has about 12-15 servings. It says 21 on the side... but like I said... I like the larger mug.
Anyway... I have one of these every morning with my gross omelet and I'm set for the day! If I'm out of the vanilla, then I'll make hot cocoa with 1/2 teaspoon of instant coffee thrown in for some kick, but that's definitely NOT sugar free.
I hope you like it!
I've had that and it IS good!
Oh my gosh...General Foods International Coffee, Hazelnut flavor, is my absolute favorite! If I am really, really cold in the morning, I'll have two cups..I know, I am such a glutton! :)
I confess..**hanging head in shame**..I never drink the sugar-free variety. I am all about sugar, lots of it! I am thin, because of my disease, so I tell everyone that I need the sugar to fatten me up! HA!!
How funny, Val! I drink the Suisse Mocha, sugar-free, decaf variety! I'd have to agree: Amazing stuff! Yumm-o, to coin Rachael Ray's phrase! Enjoy!
Must go & try...anything with vanilla is yummm...
tasty tasty. must give it a try!
THe addition of hot cocoa sounds really good.
That sounds super good!! I like the idea of adding a little cocoa to it!!
Sounds a lot better than my cherry Dr. pepper and dry cereal on the way to work!
these are so tasty! what are you sewing for the holidays this year? :)
Some things we love enough to plug even without compensation! I'm like that with lots of foods.
Mmmm....I am not a coffee drinker. But I do like it with a liberal dose of cocoa. The vanilla cream sounds yummy, too!
Ok I tried this and I LOVE it!!!!! Thanks for the new favorite drink in the morning!!!
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