Hi all! I've missed you!!!! I hope you all had an awesome Christmas! I haven't posted anything since Dec 24th, Christmas Eve. Has it been that long?!
Summary of My Christmas Vacation...
We had our personal family Christmas on Wednesday night. Just us, Grandma & Ryan's girlfriend. It was really really nice. Oh! And check it out!! I got my new camera I've been hinting wildly about!!! Nikon Coolpix L100! I love it! Thanks hon! Maddy has been taking off with it being a random photographer as often as possible.
My son with his fake glasses and cool new camera of his own.
Maddy having a ball with her cousins!
The spoons game usually takes over as the main entertainment for the cousins... However this time they also played Risk.
Meri opening her big gift! She got her own cell phone on my plan. She's been texting like crazy ever since!
Company arrived, company left, company stayed. Meals prepared and served at all hours of the days and nights. Laundry & housekeeping continuous. Schedules changed and things were forgotten. Dogs yipping and getting sat on. (I took all 3 of mine to the kennel the 1st day... It was a very good decision...) Blizzard and rotten weather. Robb borrowed a projector on Friday night and everyone watched some movies on the livingroom wall. What else can you do when the livingroom just has a computer in it and no tv? Our Christmas with my folks in Nebraska was postponed due to them being socked in with snow, so on Saturday, we drove 3+ hours to drop the gifts off at my sisters. Then turned right around and came back home due to the blowing snow. Church on Christmas morning and Sunday helped put things in perspective. Putting my focus on the right things rather than on the mad rush.
Robb played some Christmas carols in front of the house late Christmas day.
Monday, the girls & I had a totally girls day out! I'll write about it tomorrow. Today I've been straightening up my office a bit, picking up bits of wrapping paper and putting things away for next year. I'm back to work today and thankful for a good office chair to finally sit in again. And this one especially... because if I hook one foot under my desk and bend over backwards on it, my back gets a really good cracking...
I needed that!!
Well, hello there! Glad your Christmas was a good one! Looks like your camera will be put to good use,huh? Nice.
I just got to read your Christmas letter. Loved it! Congrats on all the accomplishments. I love the militant sewing group.
I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Thank goodness for unlimited texting!
Sounds like a glorious Christmas.
Congrats on your new camera... fun!
Hi there! I haven't done much blogging today because my teen son is very cranky! No matter what I do, I am either being too Noise-y, too Nose-y, or too Nusiance-y of a Mom!! Jeepers...what is it about boys (or men) and pain??!
Anyway, the surgery went fine and he should be up and about in a couple of days. It'll be a couple of LONG days, but the end result will be worth it. In the meantime, can I come and stay with you?? HAHA! :)
Looks like you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! And congratulations on the new camera. That's always fun!
So glad that you had a wonderful Christmas. Love that Rob plays the pipes - that's awesome!!!
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
I'm glad church got your perspective back--sometimes we need that. It looked like a wonderful time overall, despite the snow keeping you from your folks and all the hecticness that comes from having company in and out! Looking forward to hearing about a girls day out!
Your kids are beautiful! I laughed my you know what off when I saw the lamp in your window! I've only seen little ones of The Christmas Story lamps. What a riot! And how nice to have carols with bagpipes. You have quite the talent in your family.
Have a happy new year. Wishing you peace and love in 2010.
I've been addicted to texting for a bit now...it's kinda sad. Maybe she and I should trade numbers and text eachother...? LOL!
I haven't posted forever! I'm on a "break." But I needed to visit my friends!
I'm thinking Diet Dr. Pepper sounds really yummy right now!
It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. The sad thing is that it is always so fast paced that we forget things and moments. But it is always a good time!
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