One morning when Dad woke up, he found a hole in his pillow and some feathers sticking out. He suddenly hatched a brilliant plan and stuck a few in his suit pocket. During the day, he left one on the sink in the restroom and in a urinal. After a couple days of feathers showing up in random spots, people started asking questions and wondering where these feathers were coming from.
After a couple weeks, the boss-man started getting angry after finding one on his office chair and coffee cup. He figured out that there was no chicken or goose running around loose in the office or plant and it MUST be a practical joker... Which of course it was.
Hopefully none of his former co-workers will see this! Next post... Mouse patrol...
Oh my goodness... that is hilarious!! Of course, if it happened to me it would make me CRAZY!! lol (the point right??)
Love how he "hatched" the plan...did you do that on purpose?? LOL!
How DOES he think of these pranks???? :)
My dad has a VERY Unusual sense of humor! And I think he must have used the term "hatched" when he told it to us, because I used that completely unconciously! LOL!
That's hilarious. And so random!
That prank would have driven me crazy. And I would have never forgot about the feathers. I would be the one who would ask every so often about them...
Good sense humor from your dad...always so refreshing!
I'm up for good-fun pranks...
So hilarious!! You dad is a hoot!
He is sooo bad! Thank you for sharing and hopefully he doesn't get in trouble for it!
too funny
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