So here goes...
Remember I mentioned that we saw half of the Titanic in Branson, Missouri last week? Yep. It was exactly one week ago today, in about 1.5 hours. We were leaving Branson and heading to Springfield, MO to hit Lambert's cafe on the way home. Robb was finally back to eating solid foods again, but wanted to at least drive down the main strips of Branson so he could say that he saw some of the sights. Poor guy. Sick as a dog the whole 3 days we were there...
Good bye, wonderful cabin!

At the half of the Titanic place, the only place to park was across the street and the girls and I jumped out to take a picture, each with our own cameras. I took mine and got back into the car. I heard Maddy get in, say something and shut the door. I got my seatbelt on, started the car, checked my mirrors and started backing up.

"MOM! You just ran over Meri!"
Meri hadn't gotten in the car yet and was still trying to get a good picture of the Titanic. She was alongside the car and as I backed up, the car hit her elbow and knocked her off balance. She wasn't hurt but was so shaken up that when she did get in the car she cried just a little. Saw how shook up I was and for some reason that seemed to calm her down...

Remind me not to go on vacation with you! :)
Spring break here starts at 3:30 this afternoon. That gives me 6 more hours to decide on my victim. ;)
Well it wasn't Spring Break, but I ran over my daughter's foot trying to back up while she still had her back door open and foot on the ground. I stopped when she and her brother started screaming. The tire had actually started to go over her foot! Scared me senseless. I ALWAYS ask if everyone is in now.
Glad Meri wasn't hurt.
thats terrifying - thinking you ran over your daughter! glad you didn't
Glad Meri is ok!! I'm sure that got your adrenaline pumping! Have a great weekend!
You must have been freaking out! Glad she is okay!
Oh my! Thank goodness you didn't hit the gas too hard. It will make for a good story someday. :)
WOW! That's not just a "I'm frustrated" kind of F-Bomb moment, that is an all out, noone would blame you for actually using the word, moment! Glad nothing more serious happened!
Can honestly say I've never ran over anyone but I did hit a squirrel a long time ago and felt bad about it. Does that count?
Spring break hasn't started here. It will be in two more weeks. I'll try to hit at least one of my kids though. (jk)
Glad she is all right!
Oh my... there are always issues with Spring Break, right? I'm glad she wasn't hurt!!!
Oh my goodness! I'm happy to report that I have not tried to run over anyone during Spring Break.
There was 1 slimy ex-boyfriend who narrowly dodged the Alero wheels, but I think that was during Winter Break!
Lamb’s Most Recent Post: The Chalkboard Door is for Holiday Decorating!
OMG! Spring break is just starting so I may have a story for you yet!
This is SO not funny. At all.
Yet, I can't help it. I have to laugh.
Happy to hear she is ok. Sew not your day... Take a deep breath.
what a relief for you! Relish the rest of your spring break. I remember it was such a relief for me to find out that my 9 month old daughter was none the worse for wear after I tripped on the cat and dropped her down the stairs. I shudder still when I think about that! My darkest moment.
Well thank goodness I didn't run anyone over on break, but I have been known to run over my boy with the stroller when he falls out (because I didn't strap him in). Oh, well! Keeps them on their toes. :)
Nice one! At least you didn't squash her like a pancake in a bad cartoon!
I'm not gonna show my boys your Spring Break photos...they might expect me to take them somewhere as cool as where you went! Our Spring Break is this week! Looks like you had FUN.
Oh my lands; this is SO funny-slash-terrible I almost feel like a decent mom...
Oops, it went away.
Parenting is hard.
They expect you not to run 'em over, and to make 'em food and stuff.
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