I left the house at 7 and got to Des Moines' convention center by 8 or so in time to hear them play. They were wonderful and I got lots of pics. However Maddy wanted batteries for her camera for the rest of the day so I had to give her mine... Otherwise I'd show you them. really.
The band got a standing ovation at the end! I think it was mostly the parents of the kids that started it, but still! She won't find out how they placed until 5pm or so today. If they placed really high, then they'll perform again on stage this evening. So instead of getting home around 10pm, it will be closer to midnight. YAWN!
Hopefully Robb can pick her up...
Good luck to Maddy! I'm sure they placed well, it sounds like it!
I can't wait for pics!
Good luck to her!!!! and 5 am to possibly midnight!! WOW!
BTW I left you an award on my blog :)
Wow thats a long day. I bet she's having the time of her life thou.
Good luck to Maddy! Sounds like a late night tonight.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that she places high-- but I know the real "high" was that standing-O... what a memory!
Oh how I remember those competions from high school. Oh how I hated the day after those competions because it meant that I was going to school with very little sleep. Hope all is good tomorrow.
I was a band geek and remember all about those competitions! They are nerve-wracking to kids. I will have to wait a few more years before the tables are turned and I am sitting in the audience instead of performing.
What a long day, but congrats to her!
Hope the competition went well and that Maddy gets some SLEEP!lol
Sounds like a long day! Good luck to her - I hope things go well...what a talent you have there! (And what a great hubby!)
This sounds like a loooong day! I'm sure things went great (and I'm sure you're still asleep right now!)
That would be super if you'd like to do a guest blogger post! Just write about whatever you'd like, with some info on who you are and your blog, and email it to me at lambaround@gmail.com. I'll post it with a link to your site, which will hopefully bring some new readers your way.
I bet they did good! I can't wait to see the picture.
And i don't blame you for not wanting to get, I'm so not a morning person!
So, how did they do?
5 AM!! Oh, I'm sleepy just thinking about it. I don't do mornings well.
oh my heck...5AM!!!?? that is Early!
congrats to her!!
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