She read Shiloh, Pictures of Hollis Woods and finally from our trip this past weekend, she finally finished Ella Enchanted… It’s NOTHING like the movie! She didn’t get a chance to read the 4th book, Belle Teale, but last night Robb found a summary book report on it and read it to her. Good thing too!
At the end of the first round Meri came up to us with a stricken look on her face and said in dispair, “No one on my team read Belle Teale!” But because of that summary that Robb found, Meri was able to answer one question for it besides the author!
Her team made it to the finals and they ended up coming in 2nd place by 1 point… Isn’t that always the way?… So close and yet so far!
But she had a blast and ... she got to see a 3rd grader cry...
Kudos on those mad reading & comprehension skills! Way to go!!
I think seeing the 3rd grader cry was just the icing on the cake here!lolol
Job well done to Meri and to mom & dad on the cliff notes idea....
by 1 point?! they should make it a tie! O'well...at least they had a blast!
so darn close!! glad she had fun though :D
It sounds like she had a great time though!
How come I can see the html in the post?
She must be a smarty! I think that 2nd is great but I understand how disappointed she must me.
Have a wonderful weekend!
by one point!?!? ouch!
I think children like challenges. I am glad they at least came in second. Thank you for coming by. Oh ya, I can just see you chasing your dog, lol.
It's ALWAYS that one book you didn't read.....
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