Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This happened yesterday morning...

My young man is so funny.! He got $20 gift early for his 19th birthday, coming up this weekend, so he put most of it into his car as fuel... The rest he purchased a couple 2 liters of Mountain Dew to fuel himself. I was very surprised to see him this morning as I prepared for work. It's 7:30am and I'm seeing Ryan before the crack of noon??? He had already showered... hmm. what's up?

Specifically, why is HE up already? And I asked him that very question. His answer... "I haven't been to bed yet!" He drank Mt. Dew all night off and on and said that he felt GREAT! He helped himself to some food and then suggested to Meri that they watch some more Avatar, the Last Airbender episodes this morning so they could be prepared when the movie comes out in a couple weeks. She was thrilled! She LOVES doing things with her big bro! Especially if it's Avatar related...

On a separate note... This is NOT the blueman group version of Avatar. Avatar the last airbender (trailer here) is a kids cartoon that they're making into a full featured movie in July. The little boy who plays Aang, the lead, is an ATA Taekwondo black belt in real life! The same as me! Only he's probably got a few more bars on his belt... and judging from the previews so far, probably practices between classes...So Ryan said he felt awesome and planned to stay awake all day and go to bed at a decent hour tonight. Cool!

So I went out to work. Pleasantly surprised and thought, Wow, Ryan is going to sleep well tonight and perhaps get back on a real sleeping schedule again... He stays up most nights on FB and playing computer games, so this could be kind of nice...

I went back into the house to find out why Meri hadn't come back with the camera yet and found my son... Unconscious & snoring softly on the couch and Meri watching her fill of Avatar all by her lonesome...
You may think I'm mean to post this... and you're right. I've done this before...

and yes... I AM a Scary Mommy...


Frances said...

You are a nice mommy, letting your 19 year old stay up all night and sleep all day.

Yankee Girl said...

I knew he wasn't going to last all day! Putting up pics of him sleeping is what he deserves for staying up all night!

Maybe someone should tell him that Mt. Dew is not a good source of nutrients...but he's 19, he probably wouldn't listen anyway!

Sonya Ann said...

My kids don't call me scary they call me creepy!
DJ is on the same schedule as you son. They are up all night and then sleep all day. That would be great but this is a small house and I can hear him playing video games. Last night, Anna asked if she could go on a date with a 23 year old at 10pm. Guess how that conversation went!!
God save the parents during the summer!!

Annie Jones said...

I love the way his glasses are skewed. Mine end up that way, too, because I forget to take them off before I nap. :)

I've read that teens' odd sleep schedules are as much biological as they are social. In other words, they can't help wanting to stay up late and sleep late. But all-nighters are still a little extreme in my book.

Southern Gal said...

Just catching up with you. Baby on the brain around here.

Scary Mamas are the best though our children might not agree. Good blackmail picture. Not that I'm suggesting you'd blackmail your son...

liz said...

When I started reading, I was wondering about when he'd crash and burn. Looks like it didn't take long!

slugmama said...

Being the mother of an almost 19, 17.5 and 14.5 year olds, I KNEW how this was going to end!lolol

And yes, now I don't feel so bad posting unflattering pics of my kids working at summer camp.....Scary Moms of the world unite!hehehe


And that blackbelt kid may have more notches on his belt but you have better hair.....

Macey said...

HAHAHAHA! That's funny. :)

Joann Mannix said...

This is so great to hear!!!! It must be universal in all 19 year olds. My daughter is home for the summer from college and she does the very same thing. She is still up when I wake in the morning. She swears every day that this is the day she's going to straighten out her schedule. We say she keeps vampire hours.

Although, she's been hurting the last few days. She works at Victoria's Secret and they're in the midst of their big semi annual sale, so she's had to be at work at 7 am, quite a few times in the last 2 weeks. Maybe this will get her back on track.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

AH HA HA. How does he feel about his appearances on the blog? Too funny!

mamahasspoken said...

I too have sons who like to stay up late at night and sleep in until at least noon. We had to have a BIG conversation about IF you do this you have to be aware of those of us who are sleeping because, if you wake the mamma, life is not so good in this house.

Pam said...

I think that is funny. It is the exact same thing my daughter would do.

Carma Sez said...

I love how boys think they are invincible and don't need much sleep. I finally woke my son up at 10:00 this morning.

Babes Mami said...

Awww sleeping 'baby' :]


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