He tells me about a cell phone call he had with a friend from another state the previous week. He'd been in a concert and missed her text, then when he discovered it, he called her immediately and found out he'd missed seeing her. She and her folks had stopped for a little bit before they drove through the city, just a few blocks from where he was.
The whole time he's relaying the cell phone call to me, word for word, I'm sure... He has his right hand up next to his head like it's a phone the entire time. It was a long story.
I asked him, can you take your hand down when you tell this cell phone story and he grinned, not realizing that it was an automatic gesture. He forcibly put his hand down on the table and tried to continue, then burst out laughing. No. He couldn't. He put his hand up and sheepishly began to tell the rest of the story.
Boys are silly!
Stories like this make me excited for mine to grow up however you have confirmed my fear that me and my husband will starve because of no food in the house.
"Yes, mere moments before supper is ready..."-DJ is 14 and just started eating before a meal. And he still eats dinner. So I take it from the post that this will continue!
I'm not to the point where I can talk to either Anna or DJ. There is a lot of fighting going on now. Thank you for offering me hope that this will end!
That is great. Sometimes we adults do the corny phone things as well *hides head*
Too, funny!
Yes, teenage boys have to eat a LOT.
It will get better with the conversations. I have found that my two older ones were the same way. Then the reach the magical age (around 23-25) and they decide that it's not so bad to talk to your parents without arguing. Of course by then you're ready to kick them out of the house before you kill them....
Very funny!
I like that you were preparing dinner and he was preparing a snack (and no doubt going to eat dinner, too).
How funny! I love that comment about making dinner and your son making a snack. Sounds like my household! My teen son is 16 and I know he eats his weight in food every day!! And, he doesn't gain a pound!! How DO they do that??? lol
SonyaAnn-My 17.5 yr old & 14 yr old fight constantly now too. It's prolly an age thing and as mine are also boy/girl, it's prolly even BETTER because it's a gender thing too.
Let's have a contest and see who's 14 yr old boy eats them into the poor house first, k?lol
My husband can NOT talk without his hands. It's impossible.
haha...it's so funny how we do things automatically and don't realize until someone says something...too cute:)
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