There are several different types of pot luck bringers... I've found myself in each of these categories so don't feel offended if I mention something that you love to bring...

"Diet" types: cupcakes made with whole wheat flour and flaxseed,
"I like to cook this so you should eat it" types: tator tot casserole
"I am Julia Child's grandchild and this is cuisine so be quiet you hick" types: gourmet roasted guinea hens or cucumber sandwiches.
Ok - the last ones weren't really part of the pot luck last night, but you know the types, right?
When Robb and I were dating, we attended a pot luck at my church and he was appalled... NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE had brought tator tot casserole! *gasp* How can we call this a pot luck with no tator tot casserole??? Apparently he'd never been to one without that. We're Norwegian-y Lutheran's and the one thing you saw at EVERY potluck was that green jello with mayonnaise layer... I kind of liked that... shh. My aunt made the BEST!
So every single pot luck we go to now, we bring toter tot casserole... Unless it's themed potluck like sometimes at church. Soup dinner, salad dinner, bbq... But last night we also needed to bring a side dish too, so I popped a loaf of bread in the machine before church yesterday and then late afternoon sliced into quarter slices and put a tub of soft butter next to it. I'd like to think I was in Julia Child's corner on that one... People seemed to like it.
But I wonder if they thought I just sliced up a store bought bread and had fallen into the Lazy category...
What do you bring to a pot luck dinner? Do you have a stand by?
We're in the south so macaroni and cheese is considered a main dish! Seriously, if you have 20 mac and cheese dishes they will all be gone before the main dishes EVERY TIME. So a good moist macaroni and cheese Southern style. If I'm taking two items it will usually be a broccoli casserole or chicken casserole. BUT tater tot casserole sounds good to me!
We don't go to church potlucks since we left the we do Marching Band once a yr.
I do my Mom's southern potato salad or pasta salad. People nowadays are so diff in their eating habits(vegan, or dieting, or don't eat grains, or can't have dairy, etc.)so it's so hard to figure out what will please the most, so I've been guilty of falling into all 4
Tell DH if he REALLY misses the tater tot cass. he needs to go hang out where the Duggars potluck cuz from what I've seen, they do TTC alot!lolol
And NOBODY thought you bought a loaf of storebought bread I am sure....nothing smells or tastes as good as homemade bread! See? You got me drooling just thinking about it..... ;-)
Okay, your potlucks have WAY different dishes then ours do...
I've never had tatertot casserole at one. Weird?
There is now way anyone thought you brought a store bought loaf of bread.
Our family has potlucks for holidays and sometimes for birthday celebrations. I HAVE to bring devilled eggs. One year MIL, who lets everyone know what to bring, did not tell me to bring them. Our brother in law pouted the entire time and FIL was not happy with me either. Now, it is understood that I am bringing everything. LOL!
I also make a pretty good brocolli cheese casserole and green bean casserole. I just bring what I am the eggs.
I have never had, or even seen, tater tot casserole.
I usually make a dessert - Paula Deen's Gooey Butter Cake or Better Than Sex Cake. Sometimes I make hash brown casserole or cheese grits. We don't get the tater tot casseroles here.
I bring what I like to eat, because chances are everything else is going to be a gross tater tot casserole. ;)
I'd say you made a great choice. I bet the tater tot recipe is a favorite of all in attendance - sure beats the gourmet cuisine that one cannot identify!!
Depends on the weather and who is having the pot luck dinner. If it's family, I am required to bring flat chocolate chip cookies, they won't let me bring anything else. In the fall and winter I love to make corn pudding. In the summer I make more picnicy dishes.
I can't remember the last time I went to a potluck that wasn't a family gathering. In our family, the host family provides the meat and asks everyone else to bring something. We aren't assigned specific dishes, but are asked to "bring a salad", "bring a dessert", "bring an appetizer", etc.
As for tater tot casserole, we keep that all to ourselves.
I'm hash brown casserole girl! So it is probably the equivalent of tater tot casserole!
Have a great week!
I love it that you bring the tator tot casserole! You can't beat tradition. I always bring several new dishes to test out. When I first started doing this, everyone was polite and said they loved all the dishes. Now, the church members have turned into food critics. They have lots of suggestions! Oh, how I miss the old days!
I'm assuming that a 'pot-luck' is the same as a 'dish to pass'. Because we call them 'dish to pass' where I live.
It is my job to bring the broccoli casserole with my special cheesy crumb topping. And, dirt dessert. The world will come to an end if either myself or my mom doesn't bring the dirt dessert.
Tater-tot casserole? what is that? Is it easy to make? Tasty? Never had it and never seen it.
Bag of chips here!
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