Pretty sweet....
So I was on TOP of the game! Along came Facebook and the economy. I started cheaping out... For the older kids, I wished them Happy Birthday online instead of with a card and check or gift. Usually sent along a video of my husband playing Happy Birthday on bagpipes.
Well... let me tell you a story about when the "top of my game" made me humble...
For one of my sister's families I kept sending gifts to the kids mainly because my sis and I are pretty close and we're godparents to at least one of her kids. But two years ago, one of her boys was turning 5. I sent a check instead of a gift. I figured he was learning the value of money and would like that. I was wrong.
Shortly after his birthday, his baby sister was born. We drove there (3 hours away) to see them and hold my new niece. As I relaxed in their recliner holding the precious babe in my arms, I noticed Josh, hiding behind a door. Peering at me through the crack. He looked so sad. I called for him to come out.

He did and came over to the chair and I asked him what was wrong. He said quietly, with a catch in his throat, "You forgot my birthday..." I gave him a hug and said, "But I sent you a card with money in it. Did you get it?"
Josh pulled the money out of his pocket and showed it to me. "Yes, But you always send me a toy..." *choke choke*
"What did you want for your birthday, honey?" I asked him.
"A toy fire truck that makes noise." sob.
"Ok. You be watching the mail. "
I ordered one online and had them ship directly to him. A few days later I get a call from my sister. "You already sent him money! Why on earth did you send him a fire truck?"
I told her and I really felt for the little guy...
She told me that he is a con man and did this to his grandma and grandpa this year too...
OMGosh. Will you be MY aunt????
The ladies had better watch out for that one!
I'm sitting here laughing so hard it's not funny! Honey, you need to come spend a day or two with me at work so that you can tell when you're being played ;o) The teacher in me would have told him that he could spend his money to buy that fire truck. The aunt in me would have done the same thing....
Wow, I love that kid :) haha
Man, you got PLAYED!!!!!
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