1) (Heath) Agonizing over who you look like will lead to anxiety because noone out there in Hollywood really looks like a 44 year old woman who is "slightly" overweight. (Like I'm really going to tell you my weight!! I'm big boned!) Your blood pressure WILL increase.
2) (Wealth) (well kind of...) Your husband has to give up his lunch to come home and help you out.
3) (Well-being) Having to admit to your husband what happened....
All for a blog?!
I know you're asking yourself, How can finding a celebrity double do all these bad things?
Let me tell you...
Yesterday I was hunting around on-line for a few minutes finding quick pics of Mel Gibson, Jim Bilushi and Anna Torv. When I got to hunting for the pic of Catherine Zeta-Jones, that's when it all went to pot. I clicked on an image of her and when I right-clicked to save a copy of the pic, I was suddenly thrown onto a dating sleezebag website.
I was stupid and tried it again.
Same thing... and probably a double whammy...
Suddenly all my Anti-Virus software started going berzerk. Scans and little windows started popping up all over the place. I'm so glad they're vigilant! Too bad they weren't pro-active tho...
I got a Trojan virus on my computer. A bad one from the looks of it. I called Robb and explained what happened. Darn Catherine Zeta-Jones!! WHO has a name like that ANYWAY??!?!
I guess she does...
She's a wily one, that one.... I may be more like her than I know!

So I had to move my work office to the livingroom computer and worked in there the rest of the day. All my usual bloggy haunts had to wait until today. So that's why I didn't visit some of you yesterday.
Robb brought my computer back to me in one piece last night with some swear words sticking to it in various places... (I'm kidding... You can't even see them!) And I'm back to normal today! He did insist that I hook it all back up myself though. It keeps me humble I guess when I look like such Rockin' Superstars!! While waiting for it to boot up, I did a quick 60 second tidy on my office desk. It's a wooden one! Haven't seen the top for a while!
Robb brought my computer back to me in one piece last night with some swear words sticking to it in various places... (I'm kidding... You can't even see them!) And I'm back to normal today! He did insist that I hook it all back up myself though. It keeps me humble I guess when I look like such Rockin' Superstars!! While waiting for it to boot up, I did a quick 60 second tidy on my office desk. It's a wooden one! Haven't seen the top for a while!
Darn virus! It even cleaned my desk!
Hey there! Hope you have a great day!! :)
It's going around! I got porn. And while the woman had awesome racks, I got sick of it after a while and had the computer wiped. Be sure to back up your stuff now!
I hate when that happens.....damn it is right! effing people, hackers and email is hacked a lot.
That is the worst! I always get so scared when something like that happens. Lucky for you it was cleaned up quickly!
a virus is a good thing! who knew?? I think my productivity would also increase tenfold were I without computer for the day...
Yea for hubby and his help! Around here, I have to wait for army son to come home twice a year to fix all my computer problems. Only problem with that is he then tells me why I shouldn't wait for him to do it for me...
Okay, this crap happens to me sometimes too...well not that bad, but still, I'll be doing something silly and mess up my computer! :(
viruses almost make me want to switch to mac...almost.
They are terrible!
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