I did some groceries and errands last night before Bible study. Now I have to disappoint a friend who asked me to pick some things up for her. sigh. I don't have a zipper to replace on her sons coat because JoAnns doesn't carry a 27 inch jacket zipper. AND KMart was out of the Porch Rudolph. sigh.

Did about 4 backups of a clients computer yesterday because the changes I've made to it over the last few days kept containing typos... and they NEED a good backup before an important upgrade today. FINALLY got a good one just before the end of day yesterday.
Ellie, the dumb Golden, got trapped in the supposedly dog-proof garden this morning and Meri had to go rescue her. She tracked mud into the living room... Good thing I'm got a carpet cleaner steamy thing now!! But now I know how I'm going to spend my lunch hour... *killing a dog* I mean, cleaning carpets!
Hope things are looking up! I'll say a prayer for that worrisome item. I think we all have those Debbie Downer days sometimes... I know I do! ;) -Tammy
Praying that things start lookin' up. Hey, at least there are the Cheese People to go to when you need some cheering up :D
Hope the dog survives past lunchtime.
Awwww..I have definitely had those Debbie Downer days....along with Tantrum Tuesdays, Whiney Wednesdays, lol!!!
I am gonna host a quickie giveaway on my FB page....the Money Mission Online one. Give me a few minutes to get it up and then you head on over there! Okay?!! :)
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there sweetie.
Oh how horrible.....damn dog! keep your head up mama:) xoxox
Prayers headed your way!
And on a brighter note, I for one LOVE your creepy Pilgrim people and turkey, in fact, I WANT SOME TOO!
Praying for you and do not worry....you are not alone in your dog-crazy-carpet-cleaning-madness!
Hope you have a better day tomorrow! :-) Oh i can so relate to dogs and muddy paws, i have 3 that run through on my white carpets with muddy paws ugh. No I didn't choose the carpets they were here when we moved in, lol.
Maybe tonight would be a good night for the spoon trick and some laughs? LOL
Prayers for you.. Pray things look up for you soon...
Hope things get better.
since I have dogs...mud is my ememy too...boooo.
Hope today is going to be an 'upper' day?!
Oh dear, sounds like a bad day. Give yourself a few moments just to relax.
Sending prayers and hugs your way.
Hope you manage to have a good weekend.
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