It was a great weekend! Meri serged up some scarves she's been working on and even took my serger into her room to do it. I finished my Salsa blouse, 2 pairs of mittens & a pair of elf slippers. I need to finish Meri's Salsa blouse yet because I found out her Christmas concert at school is next week... I suppose she can wear a denim skirt with it so I won't have to whip up something this week.
This week is going to be a rush. Relatives coming and going from Wednesday, on. Rush cleaning all week, with rush cooking thrown in between free times. Sewing meeting tonight, which I will NOT skip! or forget about!
I've got to work Monday thru Wednesday, then off for the rest of the week. Hubby has all week off, so he's going to do some cook ahead type cooking for both of our dinners coming up. Plus Meri volunteered to bring hot cross buns to band practice tomorrow when they practice Hot Cross Buns in class. Um yeah... bad week for that. But Robb volunteered to make them, so I printed him off a recipe and we'll see what they do tonight.
Sisters leaving cars here, cousins staying over, sisters and families staying over. I'm not exactly sure where
I'm going to be sleeping on Friday night! My side of the family has a reunion every year and the past couple years it's been here. If I post anything on Thursday or Friday, it will be to 1) Wish you a great Thanksgiving or 2) asking for your prayers...

For our Thursday celebrations, we're going to be attending church in the morning, then making a 2pm Thanksgiving meal for us, my bil and his family.
For Friday, we rented a hall in the next town and invited everyone and their brother on my moms side of the family, which we've done for the past few years and have a huge dinner and talent show. I think we had about 96 last year and that was only because 2 people stopped at our hall by accident thinking it was the firemen's chili feed. So we counted them...

This year the tally so far is 68, with a degree of accuracy of plus or minus 45 kids and parents. And you never know who might change their minds and show up. People coming from Nebraska, Sioux City, Minnesota, Missouri and Chicago and fringes there abouts. Some from as far as Kentucky.

The talent portion of the night is the best and that show can last almost two hours depending... Anyone who wants to can bring out their talents and they sign in on THE list. We've had tumblers, bagpipers (you can guess who that is usually...), singers, piano players, skits, poems read, videos of vacations, clarinets, saxaphone, trombone, guitar, magic tricks, etc. One of my cousin's husbands enjoys being the MC because he doesn't think he has any talent, so we got him a cowbell last year. Every talent show needs more cowbell, don't you think? And I'm pretty sure that's a talent!

Anyway... As I was saying, I finished my Salsa blouse and it's not as flattering as you might think. I'm feeling fat in it. But oh well! I'm going to wear it with pride and maybe let someone take a picture of me in it so I can show you.
Photo shopping might be involved. :)
I wanna see a pic!
And. The first sentences...Meri serged. She's 10. I still can't serge. lol
Wow! What a week you have planned. Can't wait to hear all about it.
I don't know whether you're a true family person, or a glutton for punishment! (ha! just kidding!) Sounds like you have a busy week ahead!
One or both of us will be in Ames on Dec. 1 if that works to figure out a Pampered Chef delivery/pick up.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Wow that's a lot of people at one function! I won't be complaining about my 50....
Gotta love humongous families! A husband who cooks? What a blessing that must be. I hope you all tape the talent show. How fun to play some snippets of previous years each time.
Wow! Sounds like you are going to be quite busy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Never again will I complain about having too many guest for the holidays.
whoah so many kids in one room,
Stay cool calm & collected this busy week dear!
That is a HUGE group. Wow. Have fun!
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