It's been a wild ride the last 4 days... I've been to Nebraska, Des Moines and then home where major amounts of cooking, snowblowing, rush last minute sewing and family time occurred. I may not have gotten much sleep, but my husband definitely didn't...

I got to meet my newest grand niece! Didn't I tell you I was a Great Aunt?

While the girls and I were in Nebraska having Christmas with my folks, he assisted my son after he broke up with his girl friend. Robb made an extremely tense drive with the both of them in a blizzard to take her home and finally got home in the wee hours of Christmas morning just in time to put the dogs out and get some food ready for our Christmas Eve lunch. Yeah... he doesn't nap, so it was a LONGGG day for him. BUT I wouldn't need to shop that afternoon for the ex-girlfriend... so I didn't...
Ryan and Maddy goofing off. Those are NOT her glasses.

Found out late Christmas Eve that my son and his girlfriend had talked it all out and made back up and she WOULD be at our house for the whole afternoon on Christmas. Um yeah... I didn't have anything for her! I made her a necklace as quick as I could and regifted something that was given to me the day before. OH! and we gave her a quart of leftover gravy from Christmas dinner. She loves that stuff! But I didn't wrap it... was that wrong of me? My little family opened presents after all the guests left in the late afternoon. We wouldn't have had time in the morning before church, what with getting the turkey ready and all the other prep work.

Yes... underwear!!
Well... I'm back to work today. Four days off really makes you wish for more, doesn't it? I definitely need some caffeine... and my desk is a mess... Piles of labels, folded and unfolded Christmas letters, mail and just general stuff is heaped on here. I can't even see the wood... I think I'll spend a little time doing a Monday tidy. It's usually a Fridy tidy, but I wasn't out here hardly at all this weekend. And 81 work emails to wade through... Some people just get too chatty, huh?
I hope you all had a very nice Christmas! And only 363 days until next Christmas!!! AHHH!! I don't have enough time!!!!
HA! I love your last sentence, "Only 365 days until next Christmas!" LOL
Wow if she is that excited for underwear, I wonder what she is like for socks! Glad you had a great Christmas even with all the excitement.
Whew! What a busy Christmas. I, for one, am glad that it is over for the season.
Is that top picture a picture of yours? It looks really pretty.
And is this the same girlfriend that he had broken up with before...the fiance?
Ah. My son had to drive his girlfriend a state and a half away (her car was broken and he picked her up there) after she broke up with him. A horrible thing to have to go through. I'm glad everything worked out.
You rock, woman! You are the poster child for making the most of a bad situation. (I thought I was a glass half-full kind of girl who could smile through tragedy...) Underwear!!! I have a new respect for you. I now KNOW if you lived near me we could be BEST FRIENDS!
However, the girlfriend's reaction makes me think that perhaps the two of you may have a bit in common... tee hee
woo hoo underwear!
Sounds like a good time was had by all. Everytime you put up new pictures of people I'm looking to see if I know them lol, I never do though! But it would be funny!
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