In college, my brother and bil's used to say I was a social butterfly. I'm not sure what that means... But if it's anything like this weekend, then they were probably pretty close. I love social gatherings!

On Saturday: Morning - Church Christmas program practice for the girls, (Maddy accompanies on piano and Meri is still in it.) After that, the girls went their own way Christmas shopping and I went mine. Got LOTS done! It's so nice having a daughter that drives! Then we met up at a Mongolian Grill restaurant, NOT HuHot, but similar, to say farewell to a friend from church who is moving with her girls to Missouri. We're so sad to see them leave! Then finish up shopping and head for home where I got a little sewing done and screwed up a pair of mittens royally... Trust me. No one's thumbs could fit in that mitten... So I guess it's NOT for Meri's Sunday School teacher.... Had to think of something else.
Saturday evening - took the family, Ryan and his girlfriend out to my best friends house for our annual Norwegian Christmas dinner. Their cod is to die for... After two huge meals that day, I can honestly say I was stuffed! We exchanged gifts, enjoyed good company and then headed back home again.
Sunday - went to choir practice and church. Maddy had a lunch date immediately following church, so afterwards the rest of us headed home and wrapped up some presents for the girls 4H club meeting that afternoon. Played some Bingo with the kids as they picked out their presents and ate LOTS of goodies... Then went home to change and headed back to church for the children's Christmas program. Two little boys did hand motions to a poem, it was SOOO cute! The kids did an awesome job with their parts and songs. Then a potluck supper. And yes, again I was stuffed.
I'm afraid to step on the scale this morning!
Looking forward to lunch out with a friend today and to an evening with nothing planned outside the house. Planning to get the rest of my sewing done. *hopefully* Of course it's right about now that I remember a kids activity that can't be put off... But I don't THINK so for tonight... We'll see when they get home from school and remind me.
So anyway... How was your weekend?
Mine was busy, busy, and more busy. It is just that time of year when all things happen at once!!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend!
Mongo BBQ must have been on everyone's mind on Saturday; we're going again, hopefully, to an independently owned Mongolian place on Christmas Eve.
Sounds like you had a busy weekend too! I'm looking forward to time to don't think I'll be seeing that anytime soon. :-)
Have a great day! Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!
You party animal, you! I love Christmas season weekends...more fun than work, if you ask me...the work IS fun - wrapping, shopping, socializing...that's the kind of work I love! ;)
You had a busy weekend!!
I hate social gatherings...isn't that weird? Since I talk so much.
wow...where the hell was I .....bahaha....glad you had a great time and some good food! i need some of that:) enjoy your week! take it easy mama:)
That's what the holidays are for: eating way too much food just because it's there. Glad you had a wonderful time!
I don't know, your life is far too exhausting for me, the homebody :D
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