So Friday night, I cleaned the carpets. ALL of the carpets on the main floor. I wanted them to have a night to dry before Saturday and they looked mahvelous...
Saturday morning I worked on the house. all. day. Now that the tree was down I was finding all sorts of little surprises that had been awaiting for me to find them. Like a Mt. Dew can that had been placed behind the big butt chair on a window sill and knocked over. Yep, a month of Dew was dried into the window sill and down the wall. YUCK.
But anyway, you don't want to hear about my cleaning... which I will compare to a Wonder Woman marathon, but I digress...
You want to hear about the dress! It looked gorgeous. And according to Bonnie (Hi Bonnie!) she was surprised that it did because she thought my pic of it with just the little lace sample on it looked terrible. And in looking back at that picture, I should have mentioned to use a lot of imagination! :)
The kids (and parents) had a blast at the dinner. All the parents brought food, so we served chicken cacciatore w/rice, lasagna, salad, garlic bread, lots of desserts... I'm still stuffed. The 10 young people got the dining room table with the china while the rest of us used Corelle-ware and mismatched silverware and ate on the couches. The kids ate in style.
I had such a good time getting to know some of the parents that I'd never really talked to before. We need to have a get together for just the parents some time...
Then we moved some furniture around in the livingroom to make room for group and individual couple picture taking. The kids got quite creative with their poses... Enjoy!
Oh but before I do... Got to tell you something funny! At the dance, Maddy saw a friend of hers in the exact dress that she'd tried on at the store and that she'd designed this dress to look like and told the girl that. Maddy liked her own dress so much better but didn't mention that to the friend... Cool! I love that she loves her dress!
Original dress that we used for the design model.

So nice that they all gathered at your house! The dress turned out beautifully.
I love the dress and it looked like everyone had a great time!
I see that was a day daqueles, but certainly happy and
that wonderful dress!
also liked the photo of all young people on the stairs, very nice.
Looks amazing on her McVal!
Could you be an more of a wonderful mom? You really are great!
The dress is perfect and your daughter is stunning! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. You are impressive on all fronts.
The dress turned gorgeous! And it looked like the kids had a wonderful time at your house.
Why did you do all the cleaning, when you have kids????
I'm with Frances, I would have put the kids to work....that's why you have em, right?lolol
And once again, you have raised the bar of motherhood and we'll all be playing catch up...;-)
I seem to remember that there was a challenge a few seasons back on "That Show That Shall Not Be Named" of the designers did a white with black sheer overall and black dress and won that week. Your dress reminds me of their creation.
Maybe it's time to apply for a spot on the next season, Hmmm?!?
I love her dress! It turned out great. I like it better than the one it was modeled after. :)
Guess this is what I get for making that comment on fb.....But the dress does look wonderful!
you are so incredibly talented - love how the dress turned out!!!
Just beautiful!
That dress looks so beautiful!!!
That dress is just beautiful! Sure wish I had talent like yours:)
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