My new Burda magazine is here!!! WOOHOO!
Maddy found it last night on the counter and started placing orders.
I want you to make me that. and that. and that... and that for next years prom! Like she thinks she's going... :)

All the patterns for the styles shown in the magazine are in the mag! So I COULD throw away my thousands of patterns and just store these magazines, but I won't. Sorry hon!

and you can't make me! and NO I'm not going to scan in that picture! (I know which ones of you were wondering if it's here... for SHAME!)

But it does get our creative juices flowing!
Isn't this stuffed animal thing cute? It's made with jersey and should be pretty darn cuddly! Meri wants to make it for 4H. I think the baby clothes in this issue are pretty adorable too. One of my sisters just had her 7th baby a couple days ago. I get to see her tomorrow!!! I have 43 nieces and nephews... shocked? me too. Holidays are pretty chaotic.
She also wants to make a lining for some rubber boots like below. Burda shows you how to make a colorful lining for some plain boots and make them feminine.
See?! It DOES get your creative bits moving!

Wow, 7kids! You need to start sewing baby clothes! You are so blessed to have so many people in your life!
Have a great week.
I love the linings for those plain THAT is something I could see myself making. I don't like to sew clothes...I get too confused! ;)
Yeah, but you and I both know that she WILL be going to prom next year, I'm sure!
Oi Val.
Adoro seu blog. Muito fofo e cheio de coisas interessantes e ideias uteis!
Tambem ja virei uma seguidora! :)
Hi Val.
I love your blog. It is very cute, full of interesting things and useful ideas.
I have already become a follower! :)
Oh, by the way, I'm from Brazil and the language you were trying to translate in other coments(which is similar to spanish) is PORTUGUESE! ;)
Take care!
Oh, and if you'd like, you can check out my blog too. :)
Those rubber boot liners are ADORABLE!!!! I'd like to place my order now... ;) Size 8.
Hehehe, yes I was one of those people who was scanning the picture trying to find what you were talking about ;o)
You totally make me wish I could sew!!!
Hi Val.
Thank you so much for following my blog. You are the first and only one!!! :)
I'll will try to install the google translator, but we can comunicate in English. Half of my family lives in the US (mom in Florida and sister in California), so I'm used to speaking English half of the time. I lived in the US for a loooooong time, most of the time in Florida. I went to college in New Mexico and then transfered to Tampa. My niece, nephew, brother-in-law, stepfather... all are americans and only speak English, so I'm always practicing my language skills... ;)
I got married a couple of years ago and since my husband works for the Brazilian Central Bank, we don't have a choice to live abroad anymore. But I have promised my mom that when I have a child I will only speak English at home, so that way they can all comunicate! :)
Well, thanks again for your friendship. I will always come back and check out your blog!
Take care,
Thank you so much for wishing me congratulations on my pregnancy. I will try to get some baby bump pictures posted in the next week or so.
How neat that one of your sisters has 7 and one has 14. Large families are a blessing.
Those boots are so adorable!!
Have a great weekend!!
43 nieces and nephews??? Wow! I was feeling pretty smug about my 7. Seeing my Burda in the mail is always a happy day. Speaking of mail, your patterns went out today...
Fun! I love a good inspiration magazine. Still can't seem to 'get around to' creating, sewing, anything fun lately. I thought that was what winter was for anyway? Sheesh! love those boot liners!! Happy Sewing - send me some more inspiration and motivation, pls? :) -Tammy
The boot liners are adorable and the clothes look beautiful. Sadly seeing all of this reminds me how awful I am at sewing. (I left 9th grade home ec and didn't complete my sewing project--I don't think the teacher cared because she couldn't figure out the pattern either.)
Wow, 43 nieces and nephews! If I swing by during the holidays no one would notice, right?
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