Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday Randoms

Taekwondo was cancelled due to the weather, so I worked on the baptism gown last night for a couple hours. Went fast and I got a lot done. Did some hand stitching after wards and stitched in the bodice lining and connected one side of the lace at a seam. I'm just glad the wedding gown that I'm doing this with means nothing to me nor my sister! If I'd done this with her own wedding gown, I'd be so nervous and really mess up...I still plan to put some elastic and lace around the wrists and then scavenge some pearl trim off the wedding dress bodice to put at the waist of the baby dress. Not sure on that yet. Just toying with the ideas... It's like making doll clothes! I sent my sister a pic of it so far and she likes it!


Did I tell you about Meri and my fabric painting class? On Sunday afternoon, we dressed up in grubbies and met up with about 15 other women to learn how to do fabric painting. I brought along some fabric paints, brushes, some tea towels, napkins and sample fabric. Learned a lot! And can't wait to decorate some more.

Meri went to town with the instructors stencils and I spent the last 45 minutes of the class cleaning stencils... It was a 3 hour class. Someday I'll get some pics of the projects we practiced with.


Ran the snow blower this morning for just the bare minimum... There are drifts all around every car and they're deep... Since I needed to get to work soon, I just did enough to get Robb's car out, the sidewalks and a path to the house. There is a huge drift behind a couple cars, but the wind is still blowing good and strong. I should probably wait until it stops blowing just a little...


No school today! The kids were actually disappointed. They're realizing that this means school won't let out for summer when they thought it might. Meri is doing a massive reorganization of her room and Maddy... well, I haven't seen her yet today.


And good old Punxsutawney Phil!... Who would think that a tiny little disease ridden rodent would give snow bound Iowa a wee bit of hope in the middle of a blizzard?...


Trudy said...

Gasp! The dress is so gorgeous. This was such a great idea.

I can't even imagine how it would be with all of that snow. A few days ago, we were in shorts. Today it got down to the 20's.

Impulsive Addict said...

LOVE the dress!!!!

Snow blows. Literally.

Macey said...

That gown is GORGEOUS!!!
Did Phil predict spring??

Southern Gal said...

The dress is beautiful!

Phil predicted an early spring. We'll see.

Um, here in the SOUTH, our schools were out for four days for 5 inches of snow and then ice. They were out a full week because the Monday it snowed was a teacher's planning day. Help us if we ever have a foot of snow!

Carma Sez said...

you did an amazing job on the baptismal dress - lovely!!!

Frances said...

The dress is just beautiful!

mamahasspoken said...

That is a beautiful dress!
On one of the talk shows this morning they reported that the people who handle Phil decide days before Feb. 2 what they're going to say.

Michelle said...

*wow* What a piece of art you have created out of an old dress! Beautiful.

BTW....I actually don't have any of my pictures on my walls. Really! I have one collage poster that I made of my children's photographs recently, but that is it. I think I need an etsy shop.

sitting on the mood swing at the playground said...

That dress is just beautiful!

Sonya Ann said...

The baptism gown is amazing! You are so talented!

Cíntia Pandolfi said...

baptism dress is divine


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