Sunday afternoon, the girls and I visited JoAnn Fabrics to see if we could find the perfect fabric for Maddy's prom dress. I did some quick math to see how much fabric we'd need for the bodice and the skirt. 6 yards for each. Yes. You heard me...
So a friend from church lent me her JoAnn coupons since I'd left mine at home. This way I can get 40% off one cut. whew!
Meri picked out fabric for an Easter dress for herself too. I'll show you the ideas for that one when we get to it.
Maddy had originally set her heart on red. blood red. This is the design that we've come up with. A composite of sorts.

By the time we got to the store, she'd changed her mind to green, but was open to seeing what they had. I sent her back to the car to get the camera so she could see each color on her herself.

The WINNER!!!! We bought 6 yards for now, because they didn't have more in stock. But since this is a standard fabric that they carry, it should be no problem getting more of it the exact same shade. So we're starting on the bodice by this weekend.
Whew! We'll see how this goes! Wish me luck!
I'll take the dark green when you make mine. You know, just in case someone invites me to prom this year.
That's the color I like the bestest!
I like the green too :-) Best of luck... although I doubt you'll need it, your work is awesome! :-)
ahhh! what a lucky lady to have a friend give her coupons right on the go! awesome! those colors are great...i can't wait to see the finished product! my favorite color is green so i'd need you to make me that color, please and thanks! I'm going to the prom...:) hehe...have fun! xo
She will look fabulous for prom!
What a great model she is. Love those facial expressions.
Gorgeous color!
The facial expressions are priceless!!
Just the idea of having to sew something so important would be really upsetting to me but since you are a master, I guess its no prob!
I could tell which ones she liked all by her wonderful espressions. But she didn't even try a red and what does she have against purple ;o)
Beautiful model chosen for her, will combine the very blue!
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