Well... everyday more evidence shows that our 2 year old Golden Retriever may be pregnant... But then I wonder, maybe she was like that last week and I just don't remember... Or maybe she's ALWAYS been that touchy and moody... She definitely hasn't calmed down much yet...

Does she LOOK pregnant?
Here is the bits of the Easter dress that I'm making for Tiffany. It's from the Burda magazine, so I won't let you see it until Easter when she's wearing it. She kind of fancies herself a modern day hippie and she designed it from fabrics that I had. I think it's going to look great on her. It did especially when it had wings. She actually flew around the house pretending to be Batman. btw... She's 19.

I had a talk with Meri and since she REALLY wanted to make the dress for Easter herself and I'm not going to have the time or patience to help make this happen before then... I talked her into a different dress that I'm going to make for her. Then she can make the party type dress at her leisure before the county 4H fair this summer. I found some purple knit fabric that will look cool for this. I may need to line it, but I'm not sure how much fabric I've got yet. Still in the planning phase, but I've gotten the pattern pieces traced out. The one I have isn't in her size, so I'm making adjustments to it.

The lilac bushes are starting to bud out!!! WOOHOO! I'm thinking I need to trim back on the bushes outside my office window tho, or I won't be able to see the UPS guy when he comes to the door...

Meri's self defense presentation at the 4H Communication Contest went well last weekend. However the times got jumbled around due to a funeral and hardly anyone was there to learn self defense or any of the other working exhibits. We kept sending Maddy back to her booth so she would appear busy. Meri taught her 7 times...

Maddy not only got an outstanding solo yesterday for her vibes playing during the State Jazz Championships, but she also got in the top 4 performers and brought home a plaque and a $150 gift certificate to the jazz or band camp of her choice this summer! Do you know how many "Once at band camp" jokes she heard yesterday? A plethora!
Plethora is my word for the day. I have to use it 10 times in valid sentences during the course of the day.
Yesterday was Tse Tse fly.

Yes... I think my inner Erma Bombeck is showing...
Who left the door open? There's a plethora of Tse Tse flies in here.
Congrats to Maddy! She was fabulous! I love Erma. Nothing like her humor.
Can you tell me how you sew on knits? Any secrets I need to know about? I have a serger now, but haven't tried knits yet.
I don't know what a Tse Tse fly is but I have fun saying it.
Yay for Maddy! :)
Way to go, Maddy! Um, how can I get on your sewing list???
There are always so many little adventures going on at your house! It sounds wonderful and your kids are just daring and so are the "adopted" ones!
Puppies!?!?!? How fun!
Annie's comment has cracked me up!
Your dog might be pregnant?? That's neat!
I love how well the girls get along and help each other out :-) very sweet. Do Tse Tse flies do that too?
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