But I can dream... Maybe everyone else will be all tired out from getting up early and watching the royal wedding. Hope so. I think that was the main reason I skipped it. I got to see THE dress this morning on the news. That's probably enough of that for me...
Tonight part of my family is going to head off to the drive in theater. Apparently Hop is playing. It won't be me... Maddy and I, and possibly Tiffany are going to do home pedicures and manicures for prom TOMORROW NIGHT!!!
Yeah... Prom is tomorrow. It's finally here and I'll be able to see how Mad's dress stacks up to the other dresses at the big shindig... I'm a little nervous, can you tell?
Probably not as nervous as one of Maddy's friends, whose mom still hadn't finished her prom dress on Monday...
Maddy will be arriving at prom in style! Several of her Senior friends have rented a party bus and invited Maddy and her boyfriend to ride along, for a fee of course... (That reminds me, I need to run to the bank for Maddy over lunch...) I wonder if the party bus has a jacuzzi in it... hmmm.
Meri is graduating from the D.A.R.E. program this afternoon at school. I'm going to take my lunch during that time and see her walk across the stage for her diploma. She fell on the rocks at school yesterday and really roughed up her leg, so it will most likely be a lurch across the stage. I sincerely hope she feels better before then. Poor kid.
And today is my sister in law's birthday! Cathy is 15 months younger than my husband and before I came along, she was his best friend. She went to the same college as us and I got to know her pretty well there. In fact, for the first few months Robb and I were dating, she financed the dates! I didn't know until much later... She had a job, Robb did not.
Over the years we've gotten very close and I love her like one of my own sisters! Well, one that I don't fight with....

Looking at that photo of Robb, it's pretty obvious who's Ryan's father.....just sayin'! (You should post a photo of Ryan at that age next to this photo!)
Christopher is suddenly going to our prom tomorrow night! Two girls stopped by and invited him to go with their group from English 3. So, I will be helping with last minute guy prep....which can't be nearly as stressful as girl prep!!
Holy crap, Robb really looks like Ryan in that picture!!
Hope Meri's leg gets better soon.
I can't wait to see the all the pictures from prom. It will be better than the royal wedding!
Have a great and drama free weekend. Anna comes home next Friday so it will be me complaining soon!
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