Because why would you keep on looking... right??
Well, last night when I got home from Taekwondo, Maddy was in a quandary... That was not a miss type... No one gets in the laundry except for me unfortunately.
She was in a quandary. She was getting her band stuff together for a big marching band performance coming up on Friday and couldn't find her Drill Master shoes. These are expensive special shoes with roll heels so marching will be less stressful for your feet. The last time she'd used them she brought them home in a red mesh bag about 3-4 months ago. She found the bag, but it was empty.
I looked on the top shelf of the front hall closet where I always tuck them for safe keeping. You never know what the dogs are going to think is a chew toy for them.. I put our taekwondo belts and Maddy's prom shoes there too.
Her Drill Masters were not there. So I got into my spring cleaning mode. Why not?! I hadn't been in that mode yet this spring and there were things to find!

Maddy and I even hunted through car trunks and under car seats. No luck. She started texting friends who had been in marching band in the past that may have shoes for her to borrow.
So I went back to the top closet of that front hall closet. Got a chair so I could get up there and take a good look around. There is a basket of hats and miscellaneous baseball gloves, etc that is tucked to the right. I pulled it over and went thru it. After pulling out various articles including a Rastafarian type hat with dread locks, I pulled out a red mesh bag...
It felt like shoes.
I tossed it to the floor and climbed down off the chair as Maddy came down the steps. I told her, "I have officially stopped the search for your shoes."
Thinking I was giving up, she said that she could probably get a pair from one of her friends and started to text again. I looked over to the front door where the bag was sitting and looked back to her. She was still looking sad but said, Thanks for looking Mom! I furtively glanced at the bag again. She STILL didn't get the hint, so I did again and again until she happened to look where I was looking and said, "Hey! There's a red bag!"
It was her shoes...
So the moral of the story is simple. Your missing item will always be in the last place you looked, but that place is typically the first place also...
Glad you found Maddy's shoes. I just hate not being able to find something.
For me, it's usually a cat...and since they can move from one hiding spot to another, it's almost impossible to find them sometimes.
Yep! We recently had something similar happen: I was looking for my old high school pictures. I was pretty sure they were on the top shelf of our bedroom closet (which, by the way, needs a SERIOUS overhaul - want to come over?). I got up on a chair and dug around. They weren't there. I checked the closet in the office. Not there. Damn. Must still be in a box from our last move (I still have approx 347 boxes of books with no shelves to put them on). I start moving and tearing through boxes. No luck.
I gave up after an hour or so. The next day, I found them in the top of the closed in the spare room. The only closet I didn't check (even though I did check the room itself - doh!).
You're such a good mom for hunting them down for her.
Also, I remember those shoes. I had the same ones for band. Ah, memories . . .
I can be sure that most of my lost things are in the closet in my office. It is so overloaded with day I'll clean it....
LOL, you're right. I usually miss it the first time.
Great story!
I found my car key inside my boots!
Not sure how it got there at the first place~gasp!
Apparently the 4th is with you! Ha ha ha ha get it? You said May the 4th be with me and I have the 4th cause you found your Wednesday!
Glad you found her shoes! LOL I do the same thing when something is lost...massive cleaning to find it. :-)
Have a great day!
Well that is one way to motivate us to Spring clean-lose something very expensive!
I had something similiar happen here. When I got back from Alaska, I remembered that I didn't unpack my pearl earrings from my jewerly bag. I kept thinking that I needed to do that. I finally got around to do it two weeks later and they weren't there. Then I remembered that when I took them out, I placed them by the tv in the hotel room. Guess some eskimo is having fun wearing them...
It drives me nuts when my kids can't find things!
This seems to be contagious:) So glad that you saved the day!
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