The first day of the heat wave, I moved the little wading pool (that they can climb out of) into my office and surrounded it with boxes so they couldn't escape. Nothing is more annoying while you work than something biting your ankles under your desk...
That worked for a while during their nap time, but then they woke up and were mad that they couldn't get past that stupid cardboard!
Lots of yipping, barking and growls. And that was just me....
So later that day and the next 2 days, the girls and I had them in our main floor bathroom where they could cool off and hang out.

FYI: I think we may have just sold a puppy last night!!! We'll know more in a couple weeks, but they bonded... and were looking for a dog... :)
So very adorable! Glad you've been able to find them all good homes where they won't be locked in a bathroom all day, haha.
Just wait, they'll learn to chew their way out of the bathroom before you know it. I know this because that's what I had happen to me. Yep, chewed right through the drywall.
Those are the cutest puppies! I can barely read your post for looking at them.
cute puppies!
fingers crossed that your one pup has found a family :-)
They are so cute. Hopefully you found one a home.
Wall to wall puppies!! Too cute! Hope y'all get some cooler weather soon. We had about 30 drops of rain last evening and it cooled off 20 degrees in a few minutes--too bad the rain and cooling didn't last!! Have a wonderful weekend.
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