Yesterday Clarice and Marley found new homes! With each puppy the new owner is getting a pedigree and some papers to register them as well as lots of vet info.

The first people to get Clarice actually used to work with my old boss! What a small world!
Meri cried and cried after the first one left at lunch time. She wanted me to chase them down and give their money back for the puppy.
Oh boy... This is going to be hard...

I think by this weekend, we'll be down to one! And I've already got a couple different parties vying for that one...
We're running low on puppy food... Not sure how much more to buy...
The good thing is that with the 2 different friends getting 2 of the pups, Meri will get to see a couple of Ellie's offspring at least once a month. One is in town.
Ellie has been extremely moody too. I think she knows something is not quite right. Meri had to carry her into the house last night.
I'm not sure if Meri's or Ellie's emotions can handle another round of puppies. But as my husband pointed out... I was like this when my son moved out...
I got over it. They will too.
Here's hoping that the rest leave the house in one day. I would hate that this gets spread out over several days :o(
Heidi was moody too... they know what's going on. She perked up after it was all over. They sure are cute!
Maybe you could get Meri a cat to make her feel better. Bwahahaha!
I don't know how you do it...I wouldn't be able to let them go! LOL Good luck! Have a great weekend!
Oh, I'd be a wreck saying so long to sweet puppies! Nothing like a pile of puppies to brighten your day. Of course, that would be a lot of potty clean-up... ;) Good luck!
I would be like your daughter and just want to keep them all.
After seeing all those CUTE pictures, I don't blame your daughter...I think getting attached would be REALLY EASY!
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