My mom & dad's old house that they're downsizing from. It used to be a one room school house that they remodeled inside and made it into a 2 bedroom home. Full basement with a basketball hoop! and the "dungeon" storm cellar with a ladder and submarine type door to escape in case a tornado takes the school away. It was flooded as usual and Meri brought home 3 swimmy frogs from it. She left them in my car that night when we got home late and they escaped. So now we've got either a frog family living somewhere under the seats or well... the alternative of that...

As I said... the flooding after the rains makes their property into a lakefront home...

On the way back home, Meri & I stopped at a rest area and she snapped some pics of the sunset. Do you see the birds above the trees? Good thing her fear of The Birds movie has worn off!

Fun times in the kitchen with the pups. You know... between puppy potty breaks, which they don't warn you about...

Meri wearing her new puppy vest. Unfortunately you have to lay down to wear it properly.

Ryan oohing and ahhing over the puppies. He hadn't seen them in a couple weeks and said he was "dying of cuteness"! He has ALL of them in his lap.

Memorial Day service at the cemetary! Maddy's high school band played and sounded great despite the heat and uniforms.

Afternoon with the babes on the lawn. Be careful when you sit!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Big festival weekend in our towns and I'm SO Looking forward to kumla and cotton candy!
Puppies! Puppies everywhere!
Okay...first of all...what a COOL HOUSE!!! Used to be an old school??? You have the neatest family...each one of them has a story! (Doesn't everyone? But, really!)
And...dying of cuteness? Ha! Love it! And the puppy shirt? lol
I have a question...kumla? You do need to explain. I have no idea. Cotton candy I get...but kumla? Enquiring minds want to know! What am I missing here in Wisconsin?
Very Cool house!
I have ALWAYS wanted to do that....redo a non-traditional building into a a barn or something. But alas, Hubs is NOT on board so I'll either have to "off" him or wait until he dies to do
So is the school "House" for sale???
Okay, I can NOT concentrate with all that cuteness! Reminds me of Despicable Me when the little girl sees a unicorn stuffed animal and says, "It's so fluffy I could DIE!"
And the frogs...OY!
Cute puppies--cute kids too. Love the school/house story. We have a couple of schools here that I wouldn't mind turning into houses--I actually mention it every time I drive by them. I think that would be neat. Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend too.
super cute!
That old schoolhouse is so awesome--do you have pics of the inside? Hey, what is kumla? I'm a cotton candy lover too!
I want to wear the 'puppy vest' too~ ohhh I want!
Hello, thank you come visit my blog and say that puppies are cute, rsss, so cute, I feel like having one.
Eilane - Brazil
As long as you're not eating the cotton candy WITH the kumla, you have my blessing! We're having "Frontier Days" here this weekend.....must be the season for hometown festivities!
Never a dull moment! Your puppies and kids are perfect!
Have a great weekend, I can't wait to hear what all you did on Monday!
Nice blog! Love the photos!
Love the house! How cool to own a piece of history! All great shots! Still loving the puppies!!!
Have a great weekend.
Those puppies are getting HUGE! Which leads me to think that it's not safe to even walk in your yard right now. Look out! There's another land mine in your path! Yuck. Hard to keep up with three dogs can't imgine what it is like with that many....
Que belo lugar! Parabéns pela família e os cachorrinhos são lindos!
kumla sounds idea what it is :D
kumla sounds idea what it is :D
kumla sounds idea what it is :D
Those puppies are just cuteness overload! I know how much work they are, but goshdarnit - aren't they fun too? :)
Hope you're surviving the heat okay!
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