Friday night - Meri and I worked at the 4H food stand and earned a couple dollars worth of food from the stand each! We're both down to a quarter left on our earnings. There are still a few days left of the fair!
Saturday - got Meri to her small pets show where she got a blue ribbon for her hedgehog! Took it back home and spent the afternoon mowing, shampooing the dogs and then sucking carpet for 2 hours because apparently the outdoor faucet is hosed... (it leaks INSIDE the house when it's on...) (and I have a steamer carpet cleaner.)
Yep - good times!...
Went back to the fairgrounds Saturday night for the free barbecue. Can't pass THAT up! YUMMMM.
And for the annual Celebrity Milk Off. Otherwise known as CMO. (not really.) The people in charge got one celebrity (staff member) to represent each school division in the county and they all milked a cow for 2 minutes. The proceeds were weighed and the winner received a trophy! The family that owns the cow offered to the crowd that anyone was welcome to come back to the cow barn and help milk the rest of their cows after the contest.
Meri nudged me and asked if she could milk a cow. Um.. I guess yeah... ok. So we went and waited for about 30 minutes because about 5 little boys had realized he wasn't kidding. Since this family is in our 4H club, Meri got to bottle feed one of their new calves.

Sunday morning, I made it to church for a vacation bible school planning meeting but Meri & I had to skip church. I headed back home in time to help Meri get the dogs and all the supplies we would need for the dog show loaded up and she and I dashed to the fairgrounds in time to get her registered in for the show. The rest of the family showed up later and watched Meri in the ring at least once.
The show lasted from 1pm to 5pm... Oh my... It was hot, muggy and suddenly sunny for a while. Ellie tried to pick fights with any dog that came near her, so I was able to catch Maddy before she left the house and asked her to see if the kennel would fit in HER car because it sure wouldn't in mine. Luckily it did fit in her car and she saved the day!
Or at least that pesky Pointer Spaniel by the bleachers.
Meri got 2 purple ribbons and a blue! She came in second place for the showmanship with Ellie!

Oh! Guess what?? My prom dress (really the one that I made for Maddy) won the purple rosette and is going to be going to the State Fair! I was going to take it anyway, but this time, it's going with honors! Maddy was pretty excited for me and gave me a high five.
After taking Tiffany to the bunny barn so she could drool over the adorable fluffiness therein, we headed for home again. Got home at 6. I was exhausted. (seems to be a theme) Sat on the couch and almost fell asleep if it hadn't been for Meri's hot sweaty legs laying across my lap. So I excused myself and went upstairs to nap for about 30 minutes.
Robb ordered pizzas and I mostly lazed away the night. Went out to the office to check my emails and Facebook for a few minutes. While out there, Ryan and Tiffany came out and said, "Let's plan a wedding!"
Y-okie Dokie! Got out the list of things we'd already talked about and we were going to get this puppy nailed down! (That sounded violent, didn't it?) Got a couple dates picked out. Ry needs to talk to our pastor to see when is available, I need to call a couple places and see what's available, Tiff needs to call a few places and pick up some invites today for us to get printed up.
Got a bridal shower scheduled.
And on Wednesday night, she and I will go pick out the satin for her gown. I might actually get a good start on it this weekend!
Tonight, the girls and I are attending our 4H clubs s'mores night while watching the horse show! We can only stay for a little bit though because I also have a sewing meeting to go to that I don't want to miss. Laundry can wait!!
Oh and then this morning, our Basset hound decided to wet her kennel and then barf in the hallway and then in her kennel.
The day is starting out a winner!
I don't mean to wear you out, but did I mention I'm exhausted?
Skunds fabulous! Congrats on your ribbons!
Your post made me tired! What a busy but fun filled week end.
Wow. Now I'm exhausted!
And the biggest achiever award goes to........McVal. You knew that was coming!
Wow what a busy weekend you had! How did you fit all that in?? What great experiences for you and the girls! Congrats!
You are the busiest woman I know in blogland. Whew!!! Glad to hear you won a ribbon! You deserve it!
I'm impressed you had energy left to write this post. Busy woman, you are. And two root beer floats? That puts a smile on my face.
I love this kind of down home family fun -- all seemed so happy up until the barf part :-(
Congratulations on the rosette! The prom dress really is a work of art.
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