She got it done! by 10:30pm Friday night!
She then wore it to the mall where the judging was going to take place on Saturday morning and spoke confidently with the judge. Meri explained what she learned and did to make certain things happen on the dress. Then she modeled it for the fashion show that afternoon in the middle of the mall.

She improvised and came up with inset decorative pieces that make the dress totally unique. I never did get a picture of her back. That was the cutest! The straps crisscross in the back going through little loops to tie a bow right above her zipper. I'll have to get a picture of that... She's very proud of her creation and we are proud of her!
Anyway, she got all the points for each area of judging and got a purple ribbon! *that means REALLY good!* She didn't win the award to take it to the State Fair tho, so she was a bit disappointed about that. But she really needed a nap too by that time...
Meri will take it to the county fair to be judged again, this time on her quality of her work. It very well might go to the State fair for that!
And Sunday was my birthday! *thank you... thank you....*
We celebrated by going to the HuHot and having Mongols make my food! Awesome! I went back for seconds...

Then back home where Ryan and Tiffany were able to join us and we enjoyed cake, ice cream and gifts. I got two plungers and a set of sheets!

Thinking of that makes me hungry... Yeah, I KNOW it's 9:07am, but doesn't chocolate cake sound pretty good right now?
Two plungers? I could say so much about that but I won't. And cake is good no matter what time of the day it is :od
So, you gonna strap those plungers onto your feet and walk around on the ceiling or what?
♪♫Happy Birthday to you!♫♪
Sounds like your day was fabulous. Congrats to your daughter on her super finish. Way to improvise, too! As a beginner, I'd have just wadded it into the trash. LOL
Happy Monday! ☺
Ok, now if you tell me that Mr. McVal is the one who gave you the twin plungers I am going to confirm that yes, you ARE an OLD MARRIED Couple!
I will go on to add that he should have waited until your Anniversary to gift those to you as I am SURE that one of those 20 something Anniversary Years is the "Plunger Anniversary".lolol
It looks like you were properly feted on your Birthday at any rate...yay for you!
And congrats on Meri for her sewing acumen and thinking outside of the box! Maybe she has a career in design in her future since most of the bestest innovations spring from goof-ups....not to say that she is a, I'll just shut up now before I force my foot deeper down my throat, but you know what I mean.....;-)
congrats to your daughter for her continued strength to carry it through, she looked wonderful!!! And cake, hmmmm always great any time of the day especially chocolate...Happy Belated Birthday, I ??? the 2 I love love your heading, so cute!!! Great psot...Debb
Congrats to Meri! That sounds really neat. Def get a picture of the back!
Twin plungers...LOL.
Plungers??? LOL! It is never too early, or too late, for anything chocolate. Happy belated b-day and congrats to Meri!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
love ya mom and thanks for not giving up on me during the proses of making that dress
Oh, I'm so bummed I missed this post! Happy Birthday to you several days late! July 10 is a very popular day. I love practical gifts. Does that really say we're old? Oh well.
A Belated Happy Birthday to you!!! Glad you got someone to make you dinner!!!
I could not help comment these days, but there's a late congratulations and I wish much happiness of heart!
Congratulations also for the daughter who ventured into sewing!
Chocolate cake ALWAYS sounds good...hope you had a piece for me, birthday girl!
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