Seriously?? All that cat poop behind the tv just means you're a lousy housekeeper? I think there's more to it than that!

Do you really want your only 15 minutes of fame to be that you were the cat lady with piles of trash in your home and dead cats underneath? Or the guy who valued his dumpster diving habits over getting his own son back?
I'd rather want my 15 minutes to be about designing a dress for the next royal wedding. Or how I miraculously pulled a car off my child.
Or winning the lottery and being named James Bond. Yeah. I'll take THAT one!

Just call me Bond, Jamie Bond.
I fear one day I will get my 15 minutes of fame for something equally horrid...not hoarding, but something bad. Like I'll end up on Cops or something.
I think I'll stick to my un-famous life.
I watch that show once in a while, too., I wouldn't want to be featured on it! Yikes! Or did you ever see that "Strange Addictions" show? That is too strange to be true!
I.LOVE.THAT.SHOW!!!!! I just watched the one where they had a 17 year old girl on, who didn't see her room as being that bad even though she had to use a blank to walk on to get to the bed.
I swear that my one son is a hoarder of papers and clothes. He think's I'm nuts for making that compairson. HOwever he did get rid of some clothes last week but not the t-shirts :o(
I can't watch that show. I just can't. It gives me the heebie jeebies. I'll call you Jamie Bond.
I LOVE Hoarders! I can sit and watch show after show. They make me feel like such a neat freak.
And I have cats, but cat feces anywhere but in the litter box is just disgusting!
I would like to be a well paid writer, if you please.
uh, yeah, that's the last thing I'd like to be famous for!
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