Well, the first day of school was adventuresome... Didn't hear from Maddy until after 6pm because of cross country but got a call from the middle school at 2:30 from Meri. She had gotten such a bad headache around lunch time that she'd been napping in the nurses office (after 2 failed Ibuprofens) for 1.5 hours trying to shake it. Didn't work.
So yep, she came home from school early on the first day and then slept for 2 hours here.
Oh! The hair and makeup was a hit, but she's just coloring her hair with chalk again today.

AND I think I hit on why she got a headache...
Caffeine withdrawal... She got a cappuccino this morning with her breakfast (as she did all summer) and we'll cut it back each week bit by bit so it won't be so "cold turkey".
That is hilarious! You know...I HAVE read studies that say caffiene is essentially good for you...
...I choose to ONLY read those studies...
De-hydration can cause headaches too, so if they allow water bottles, that might be a good idea too. Keep sipping that H2O!
Glad the first day was a success. (The hair "dye" looked cute!!)
Poor girl. Not good to quit cold turkey.
That song is an extra feature on the Veggie Tales Jonah Movie. It's long, but we love it.
No cappuccino?? Now that's just cruel punishment!
Gostei do detalhe do cabelo!
THAT is hilarious!! Caffiene withdrawl!
You mentioned she had a very bad headache on one of the days you were going to the fair, too. Wonder if she had caffeine withdrawal that day, too.
Glad that you figured it out - caffeine withdrawl can really be tough.
Chalk in her hair? Hmm now that's a first for me.
I know a middle school girl who uses kool aid to dye her hair. Seriously. Her mom won't let her use hair dye. The extra water might help.
Poor thing, why would anyone ever want to leave school?
I'm sure some coffee and a nap will help. LOL
Wow you guys start school so early! Are they done in March? Hee hee...poor girl and the caffeine withdrawl. She sounds like 90% of my facebook friends. If only her status read, "sleeping off a coffee high" I'd think she was a stay at home mom in her 40's.
Caffeine withdrawls are awful! Good luck on weening off of it.
Ouch, hope she is feeling better soon.
I hate those headaches! I've had them the last few days from vacation.
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