I hadn't planned much past Saturday. Everything was for that day. Sunday morning I felt like I was missing something. And actually I was! I had misplaced my Sunday School teachers manual in the wedding rush and was very unprepared for my little preschooler children that I teach. We got to church a smidge early and I scrambled. How on EARTH was I going to teach the kids about Potiphar's wife without some guidance from that teacher's manual???
"Um kids... Potiphar's wife wanted Joseph to do some really bad things and he wouldn't. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?"
Yeah.. That was going to bring up questions... "What wicked things teacher??" Turns out that the three kids that I have in my little 3 year old group were ALL gone for the weekend! How was THAT for a blessing?! I got to sit in with the adult Bible study instead! I haven't done that for a while.
Since then I've been wrangling with a dishwasher that decided to die, so washing dishes by hand and getting caught up with them have taken a portion of my free time as well as trying to find places to tuck the wedding gifts and supplies. The newlyweds will be living with us until one of them gets out of school. Whenever I'm in the house I'm constantly putting things away and trying to keep the dining room table cleared off. With 7 people in the house, it's rather difficult.
So Tuesday night, (still on the busy high) I took my busy-ness energy to a whole 'nother level and cleaned the laundryroom. Now that the male Golden's kennel is in the garage for the time being, I felt it was necessary to clean off the things that had gotten piled up on the counters in the last several months. Got a large garbage bag of junk to get rid of and a bag or two of Goodwill stuff. I can now see the places where I typically store the crock pots and other small appliances.
I mean... How often do you need a rice cooker or egg cooker?

So... the room got cleaned up and cleared out. It looks good! But I still won't take a picture of it for you. Let's just say, it will never be featured in the Martha Stewart mag for a makeover...
Meri went back to take some towels in and came back stunned. "Mom!! Did we ALWAYS have a sink in there?"
She is eleven.
My new daughter-in-law ran back to see what Meri was so shocked about and came back just as stunned. "I didn't know there was a sink in there either!"
So yeah.. Apparently the housework neglect has gone on for a while and I can't just blame the wedding planning.
You know I love cooking eggs in my steamer, lol! And when I do the veg I always throw in a little rice for the kids, but like you if it goes off the counter top and on the storage shelf it can get lost for a while! Bit like the crockpot, oh but how I love my crockpot . A sink heh, keep looking you might fins more treasures!
Yeah, I too got rid of the gadgets I truly didn't use.
Hang in there sweetie...you'll get caught up..I have faith!
God bless and have a terrific Thursday! :o)
LOL! That sounds just like MY laundry room! For Real! It is the "catch all" of the house!
Today I went through the kids clothes drawers and got ride of everything with holes in it and to small items.
Cleaned ie, dusted and swept the upstairs with the help of the kids.
I like taking things to good will and the burning pile.
The buring pile has to wait because it was way to windy today.
Congratulations on the wedding.
The plus side of hubby being unemployed for the past 5 months: the house is the cleanest it's been in a long time.
At this time, I would so take a messy house.....
This could be the inspiration I need to clean out my laundry room...finding an extra sink would be great! So sorry about the dishwasher...
I would hope that with your son and his new wife living with you that you will have a little help with the house work. Is that a delusion?
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