Well... I didn't post at my usual time this morning. So SUE me!
Sorry - yesterdays mood has carried over a bit today...
Things are still gritchy in the one area that I alluded to yesterday but hopefully will all iron out soon. All it takes is money! And as soon as he has enough scraped together to get a car of his own, we'll be good. Yep... all.it.takes.is.money...
Anyone know a good source for a money tree seed?
Oh! The bride tried her dress on last night for her grandma. It fits really well and the belt looks gorgeous on it. I took a picture, but think I'll wait on pics of it until after the wedding now. Don't want to burn you guys out! Her grandma liked it... That's all that matters. Oh and the bride likes it too.
I ordered some tennis shoes from JC Penneys back in August when the kids were getting their school things. They were on back order until 9/2. About 9/10 I noticed that they hadn't come yet so I checked out their site online. It had been cancelled with no email to me! I WANT those shoes! So I reordered them. They're on back order now until October...

For now, I'll wear socks with my scuzzy sandals... I think my tennis shoes I used for the last 5 years reside in one of the girls lockers at school... Isn't it the pits when all the girls in my house wear the same size?
I ironed all dresses done so far and started on the last bit for Maddy's dress. Hope to get that done tonight, but you know what they say... You can hope in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up first. That IS how it goes, right?
My goal by this weekend is to actually get back to MY dress that I started way back in July. The way the weather is going I think I'm going to keep the sleeves on it. It was 35 degrees this morning! AND I'll make some matching shawls for the bridesmaids and MAYBE one for the bride. We'll see. I've got some really soft fuzzy white furry stuff that would make an awesome shawl thing she can wear until the ceremony starts. The wedding will be outdoors. Did I tell you that?
The shawls will be a snap. Long rectangles with the garnet satin on one side and the lining on the other. It's ok if the lining shows. That will add some dimension to it maybe. I don't know what I'm talking about.
Have a wonderful evening!
Have shoes exactly like that! I love em. You could try to order em from somewhere else...?
Have you tried Amazon? I order from them a lot and have much success.
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