My usual Sears repair man is here today fixing our dishwasher... again... The extended warranty was the best thing we ever did on this thing. I think it's been replaced probably 3 times part by part over the years... We're getting a new computer panel thing put in because the start button doesn't start.
I made a fluffy pink purse over the weekend and it looks like it's snowing pink into the entry way which is directly beneath my sewing hall. That stuff sheds *almost* more than a golden retriever in the summer. But only when I cut anything for it.

I think I'll toss it in the dryer to shake off any extra before it gets wrapped up. Oh and I did the handles wrong... What was I thinking? I'll have to fix that. They're looping the wrong way. Meri thinks I should put some eyes and whiskers on it and then it would look more like a bunny. What do you think?

On Saturday night we celebrated Maddy's 17th birthday! It was a few days late, but with her schedule, you have to be flexible to see her for any extended period of time. *
Hi sweetie! Get off the internet and pay attention in class* As usual I didn't have any actual birthday candles on hand, so I made use of our traditional Birthday single candle. It works and you won't seem like you have emphysema when you try to blow it out. However it did take her two tries... I think she missed on the first attempt.

On Sunday, I also traced out a pattern from a 1990s Burda magazine for a winter top for Meri, but then realized that I don't have the right fabric for it. There's a sewing meeting coming up this weekend with ASG (American Sewing Guild) and there will be a free table, so I'll check it out then.
So I also found a fly away type top pattern in my pattern vault and pulled out the 3 pattern pieces to make a top. This might be my pat gift for nieces this year. Not sure yet. I'll have to do the first one and then decide...

I read a few more chapters of "The Undertaker's Gone Bananas" with Meri both last night and this morning. Robb even read one of the chapters in the car to us as I drove us home yesterday after visiting a friend. Hilarious to hear him making voices as he reads. We're only a few chapters from the end and Meri is getting anxious to hear how it all ends up. We're at a very suspenseful part. That Bobby and Lauri, they crack us up!! Meri's already checked out another book by the same author and done a book report on it in the amount of time it's taken us to read this one together.
Meri's Project Runway item arrived on Friday! We pulled it out of the box expecting it to look fabulous.

But then remembered that it IS made of dog food bags. How awesome can THAT be? It basically looks like a glorified middle school art project up close.

She lugged it to school in the ginormous box it came in to show her class today. Her teacher is a huge Project Runway fan too.
LAST cross country meet tonight. I'll have to leave work early but haven't told anyone yet.
Maddy went to a retreat for a school club yesterday and today and gets to miss all of today's classes, but she'll be back in time to run.
Yay! My dishwasher is fixed now!!! Back to work for me. Have a great Monday!
When you said Project Runway this was not what I was expecting:)
Your sewing projects are wonderful I'm always so impressed.
Enjoy the meet.
At least the purse doesn't look like a "pink nightmare"!
I like G on the pattern. You should make that one!
Have a great week!
That "fuzzy" material can be messy. Glad the dishwasher is fixed. You realize how much you need it once it's gone.
I just ordered a part for our dishwasher, too. It's barely a year old, so I'm a little put out that it needs any kind of repair, but I didn't even run it through the warranty because it was $13 on eBay and I can replace it by hand (no tools). I think it's worth $13 not to have to deal with a service call.
That purse is cute!! Who's it for? Me? LOL J/K.
Cute purse....I can see a bunny there! :-) Neat dress...great things happening at your home!
Have a wonderful week!
cute fluffy pink purse! As always, lots going on around your place! But only good stuff :) I saw something today on Pinterest that looked like "E" on the pattern. It was simply a square yard of fabric with two cut-outs for the arms. Ummm, yes, that would be MY kind of sewing these days! Enjoy the week! -Tammy
adorable purse, McVal!
ps: lurrrve your post title~hah!
nightie-night,off to bed soon!
Bummer that it looks like 8th grade project but you have a point, how great can dog food bags look!
Yay for dishwashers!!
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