A big THANK YOU to Kshotz who gave us probably 3 different versions of it over the years. She is my bestie from my college days! My family loves this game! We love that movie! Here's a clip of the movie that we constantly quote from and coincidentally named my eldest daughter after. Madeline Kahn, not Clue...
So, Robb, Meri & I are playing the game. We're pretty good at deducing who is the killer and so forth with little sneaky things. I may guess a person and weapon card that I already have in my hand to find out if someone else has the room card... Or cheat and sneak a glance to find out which part of the sheet my daughter is marking off...
I get down to all the people marked off my list! I don't know how that happened... I must have assumed wrong or Meri held her paper upside down again to throw me... I am also down to two weapons and 3 rooms. Meri gets to the ballroom first and says she's going to solve the mystery. Okey! I'm bummed, but what can you do?
As she announces that the killer is Colonel Mustard with a candlestick in the ballroom, I shake my head and hold out my Colonel Mustard card for only her to see. Meri looked shocked and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the bathroom where she proceeded to get after me privately for not showing it to her before!
I do remember her asking about it before, but I also had the room or weapon card at the same time and showed her that one a second time instead... She claims that when I told her, "I will not help you", instead of meaning "I can't help you", I WAS truly saying that I wouldn't... Anyway, she was upset so we got back to the game and she pulled the cards out of the envelope to see what the actual cards were. She pulled out 5 cards! 2 weapons and 3 room cards! A couple I had already seen a few times...
Suddenly thinking that we had accidentally combined a couple games, Robb started laughing and said that he had slipped in two of his into the sleeve while we were in the bathroom. But there WERE only two weapons and a room in the envelope to begin with. I must have screwed things up when I was shuffling!
When I shared part of this story on FB, a friend suggested that perhaps the murder we were investigating was actually a suicide. hmm.. She may be right!
But Robb was curious that we're wandering all over this house and we don't even know if there is a dead body! Wouldn't someone have found it sooner than later? How do we know that we should be investigating it?
Sunday night, Meri wanted to play another game, so we dug out Scrabble. We agreed before hand that if the word made sense to any of us, then it could stay on the board. OR if we could find it in the WorldBook dictionary. And that dictionary thinks QE and VG are words!! YES!
So anyway, we hadn't started the game until 8:30pm and by the time we were half way through it we were all getting pretty tired. Maddy came in about that time and wanted to join, so we let her. I mean... How can SHE win when we're like 50-90 points ahead of her already??!
Let me tell you something... She's a cheater! THAT'S how!
Oh and YAKSTORM was mine... :) You don't want to be in the middle of one of those types of storms... Trust me! Someone else made it REYAKSTORM, so I consider that cheating. Because... WHAT'S that?!
Robb had NEEDLE at the bottom so he'd get the triple word score in the corner. He and Meri worked together for her to use FINENEEDLE as opposed to DULLNEEDLE I guess... FINE! I was tired, I let it slide. Then later when she was desperate, Maddy tried to bring her Spanish language into it and made it ELFINENEEDLE... I tried to stop her, but Robb let it go and at that point I was at the "eh" level, so we let it go.
It also reminded me of Little Britain when Kenny Craig is playing Scrabble with his mother at the hospital. He thinks he's a hypnotist but everyone just plays along... Kenny plays the word CUPBOARDY.
When I shared part of this story on FB, a friend suggested that perhaps the murder we were investigating was actually a suicide. hmm.. She may be right!
But Robb was curious that we're wandering all over this house and we don't even know if there is a dead body! Wouldn't someone have found it sooner than later? How do we know that we should be investigating it?
Good questions that deserve answers!
Sunday night, Meri wanted to play another game, so we dug out Scrabble. We agreed before hand that if the word made sense to any of us, then it could stay on the board. OR if we could find it in the WorldBook dictionary. And that dictionary thinks QE and VG are words!! YES!
So anyway, we hadn't started the game until 8:30pm and by the time we were half way through it we were all getting pretty tired. Maddy came in about that time and wanted to join, so we let her. I mean... How can SHE win when we're like 50-90 points ahead of her already??!
Let me tell you something... She's a cheater! THAT'S how!
Oh and YAKSTORM was mine... :) You don't want to be in the middle of one of those types of storms... Trust me! Someone else made it REYAKSTORM, so I consider that cheating. Because... WHAT'S that?!

It reminded me of the Scrabble game when we were first married where he convinced me that QUAILCOLD was a real word.
It also reminded me of Little Britain when Kenny Craig is playing Scrabble with his mother at the hospital. He thinks he's a hypnotist but everyone just plays along... Kenny plays the word CUPBOARDY.
We used to play scrabble a LOT. Every Sunday night was Scrabble night. We played with dictionary close at hand and that dictionary got a lot of use. All 3 of our kids are EXCELLENT Scrabble players. It was so fun. I kinda miss it.
This is so funny. I have orders to order a nice Scrabble board for the family for Christmas and have been looking at them for two days. We're huge Scrabble and Monopoly fans. My daughter and I are the only Clue lovers so we have to recruit others to play with us. I'm a game geek and break out the rules anytime we play. I usually rule in Scrabble, but occasionally I get beat out by the boys.
So...I suck at Clue. Like, I've never won.
I always keep a dictionary at my side when playin' scrabble so I have proof when someone want to spoof a word on me. I'm competitive that way!
Sounds like ya'll had a blast with the games.
God bless and have a magnificent day sweeite!!! :o)
*sigh* The hubs never wants to play scrabble with me....he knows I will kick his rear! lol Sounds like fun at your house!!!!
I like scrabble
Your family is so much fun!!!! We don't play scrabble because it doesn't have spell check.
I love scrabble too. We don't score it anymore but just play for fun. VC and MB come up with some "good trys" - at thanksgiving I had just the right letters to spell the male anatomy part. They were appalled :D
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