Well, I guess I do... Mimi said so.
I've been tag hagged or something to that affect. I guess what that means is that I need to tell you a bunch of personal stuff about me.
You ready for this??
Post these rules. (check.)
You must post 11 random things about yourself. (check.)
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. (check.)
Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer. (check.)
Go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them. (check.)
No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." Legitimately tag 11 people!! (Hey! Mimi didn't tag me that way... I just saw it! She's a cheater!!!)
Thanks Mimi for making me do this. I owe you one! ;) (or may get you back) But besides... I was at a loss as to what to talk about today anyway... You almost got a story about, oh nevermind.
Random facts about mu-ah.
1) I guided Meri through cutting out a pattern piece this morning the old fashioned way... With pins and scissors. I'm a pattern weight and rotary cutter kind of gal these days. (thank you Project Runway!) She's doing some fabric painting at school today and wants it on a dress.
2) Even though I miss Heidi & Tim, I am watching the Project Runway All Stars... But I wasn't too impressed with Miss Piggy's reviews...
3) My car has fabric in it...
4) I've got a baby shower coming up this weekend for my daughter-in-law and the house is a complete disaster... WILL I get it done in time? WILL there be treats to eat? The world may never know... until probably Sunday.
5) I bought a gift for them and now realize I have to take it back.... Dang duplicates.
6) Today we're celebrating my closest friend's birthday! Robb made her a lasagna and I've got a Wizard of Oz fridge magnet for her. She's an OZ nut!
8) A dog barfed in his kennel and I deliberately ignored it for the morning yesterday. By lunch time it wasn't a problem anymore...
9) I have recently discovered that a combo of Dawn dish soap and hydrogen peroxide is the perfect cleaner. seriously...
10) I need a vacation... badly.
and drumroll please!
11) I didn't shower this morning.
Mimi asked me...
1. What's your favorite color? green. Not the puke green, but deep hunter green. Or a combination of greens all blended together. Really, just a landscape with lots of various greens in it... yeah.
2. Favorite number? 653
3. If you could trade bodies with the opposite sex for one day, would you? And why? No. Because I would have no idea how to use the secret panties pockets they have in their undies.
4. Could you kill someone if you had to to save your life or someone you love? Probably. Because of my Taekwondo training, I know how to kill a man 50 different ways. I've just never had the opportunity.
5. What's your favorite movie that you are embarrassed to admit? Well, it's NOT the Believers!!! Because that would just be too creepy.
6. What's worse...cooking dinner or thinking of what to cook? definitely thinking of what to cook! My mind goes blank.
7. Favorite book? Shadow of the Moon by M.M. Kaye. I read it when I was a teenager and wished it would never end. It just teaches you that because the book looks yucky and old on the outside, it's definitely what's inside that counts. That was a good book.
8. What thing makes you gag? When I'm brushing my teeth and the toothbrush accidentally goes too far back on my tongue.
9. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Ireland. The land of a thousand welcomes and shades of green.
10. Is your Christmas decor down? Mostly... The lights outside are still up but not functional...
11. Would you go to the moon if given the opportunity? I don't think so. I'm perfectly happy here on earth.
My questions are for (criminy) 11 people!!!! Who who who?!
Kim - because I'm curious about #9.
Sonya Ann - because you'll do this and be extremely creative with your answers.
Jill - because I'm nosy.
Leanne - You're up for a tag, right?
Clodagh - Just because.
Larri - You love to be inspired, right??
Slugmama - because there's a coupon hidden in here somewhere!
MammaHasSpoken - because where have YOU been?!
Amy - because she's new! And we want to know more about her, right??
Lenore - I have no idea if you'll have time with your travels, but here's hopin'!
Nezzy - Because I want to hear your accent in the answers!
If I didn't pick you, then feel blessed! The questions are kind of weird. But if you feel the desire to answer them in a post, don't let me stop you!!!
1) What was the name of your favorite pet growing up?
2) Have you ever been arrested and why?
3) What was the name of your kindergarten teacher?
4) If you only had an avocado, cream cheese and chocolate bar, what would you do with them?
5) How many cars have you owned in your lifetime?
6) Are you on a diet?
7) Do you drink pop and if so, what kind is your favorite?
8) What kind of cell phone do you own? if any?
9) What size shoe do you wear?
10) Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?
11) Do you have your summer vacation planned already?
Whew! That was difficult... and from the looks of these questions I'm asking, a bit intrusive...
Well... I've asked you, now you have to answer! Good luck!
Aw, thanks for doing this stupid thing! LOL! :)
I think you're probably the only one who will do it.
A dog ate your trim? LOL! Once my dog ate part of our barbecue. I hated that dog.
Shoot it all to thunderation, I've never been any good at tag! Heeeheheh!!!
Girl, I'm not goin' to throw up a post 'cause I'm still tryin' to catch up over at my place. Mama said the hurrider I go the behinder I get...I'm my Mama's daughter!
1) My 'Tiny' dog...daddy brought him home 'cause I was scarin' visitors with my imaginary dog.
2)Yep, when I was in a Sorority in college I was locked up to raise money for St. Judes. Does that make me a jailbird???
3)Mrs. Neil...she was a jewel!
4) I'd pit the avacado and place it in a hollowed out coconut shell 'cause I figure I'm stranded on a tropical island somewhere. I'd add the chocolate and cream cheese 'till it all melted in the sun. Marble it together and enjoy!!!
5) Oh goodness glory...? eight cars...how 'bout pick~ups, semis and farm machinery???
6) Nope, gave 'em up a long time ago. I made a lifestyle change in my eatin' habits thanks to Dr. Whitecoat!
7) Don't touch the stuff. I drink boatloads of water, three milks a day and green tea. Didn't ya'll know that pop will kill ya? :o)
8)I personally have a home base phone. Hubs has the cell. 'Can't say I don't miss bein' connected 24/7.
9) OK...do ya want it in women's sizes or kids??? My foot hasn't grown since the fifth grade. Size 3-31/2 in kids and 5 in womens.
10) Not really, I put out just a few items sometimes.
11) Vacation...what's a vacation??? We have cattle to feed, crops to plant and harvest...and the beat goes on!!!
Whew, this was long sweet sista'...and what'a mean accent. Do I have an accent? Heeehehehe!!
God bless ya sweetie and have an extraordinary day!
Ha! That's a weird, but fun list.
I haven't showered this morning either.
Is it OK if I answer here?
1. Lady Tiffany the dachshund
2. No, because I obey the law. ;)
3. Mrs. Fowler (I found my class kindergarten picture on Monday. I kid you not.)
4. See how far I could throw the avocado, eat the chocolate bar and save the cream cheese for later.
5. Oh.my.lanta. I have a post saved up about this very thing. My husband finally quit his car habit. I think we've had about 20 in our 31 years together. The latest models are 1996, 1998 and 2001. We'll drive them until they fall apart...maybe longer.
6. Yes. Yes, I am. It's going rather well, actually.
7. It's not pop around here. It's coke or a drink. Caffeine free Diet Mountain Dew. I haven't had one in a month.
8. A red Sony Ericsson flip phone. I only use it for calls.
9. 12 in women's, 10 in men's
10. Sort of. Rebekah's birthday is February 15th so I usually incorporate that theme in the birthday stuff.
11. We're working on it now.
My-my...Thanks for including moi, McVal!
I totally agree though, you deserve a fab vacay, even if it's a mini one!
Thank you for tagging me I was kind of hoping that it was something like sex though. I'll get back to you with some answers.
And yes, I could kill someone and I have tried. Honest to God. I'm just that good.
Yea, thanks for the tag ;o) You can read my answers on my blog.....
Your post is hilarious! Thanks for the giggles...and the tagging. ☺ I'm answering here, because I'm inundated with massive cleaning/organizing this weekend. Also, I'm supposed to be on a Family Media Fast. Shh! Don't tell them I'm on the computer this morning!!!
1) What was the name of your favorite pet growing up?
I only had one pet. It was a New Zealand White Rabbit named Thumper. We trained him to walk on leash.
2) Have you ever been arrested and why?
Nope. No arrests.
3) What was the name of your kindergarten teacher?
Mrs. Jabara, who left mid-year to have a baby. I have no idea of the name of the substitute who came in for 6 weeks. I just remember she was old and mean.
4) If you only had an avocado, cream cheese and chocolate bar, what would you do with them?
Eat the chocolate, then the cream cheese, and call my health-nut sister to come get the avocado.
5) How many cars have you owned in your lifetime?
Let's see...I remember them by their car years: '81 Horizon, '86 Colt, '93 Sentra, '94 Park Avenue, '95 Explorer, '95 Cadillac, & '07 ThunderRoad Ram Pickup...Seven cars. The last two I still own...and were both given to me. All my cars were secondhand except for the Sentra and Ram. ☺
6) Are you on a diet?
After dropping almost 40 pounds with Weight Watchers, I'm on a Live-It. ☺
7) Do you drink pop and if so, what kind is your favorite?
Haven't heard it called 'pop' since I left Kansas. ☺ I rarely drink it anymore, but my first choice would be Dr. Pepper.
8) What kind of cell phone do you own? if any?
It's a very basic model. Have no idea what kind it is. It's an emergency-only phone that doesn't even have texting for photo capabilities.
9) What size shoe do you wear?
6½ to 7 depending on the maker.
10) Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?
Nope. I only decorate for Christmas.
11) Do you have your summer vacation planned already?
Sorta. We go to the beach every year. My BIL gives us a week at his house. It's a spur of the moment, when he doesn't have it rented. He usually gives us a week's notice, so we're always at the ready. ☺
Fun questions, Val! Happy Saturday, friend! ☺ Hope your party goes well today.
Hooray for random facts!! Also, you will get it all done! I love rotary cutters but haven't heard of pattern weight before.
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